i think most of you guys know my general...character
whiny, naggy, pms-y but ascetic in regards to some aspects and uh
...ok idk what else
but i want to know about YOUUUU guys
honestly i'm too lazy to go through my flist and look at your profiles SIGH~~ and i'm not interested in age and where you live and shit
post random facts!
how do you do your
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...Though I kind of cheated & had some a's & b's thrown in there too orzz
1) I feel like I can be more honest in group settings rather than in one-on-one settings. (I guess it’s a “influenced by peer pressure” thing???)
1a) …But I like one-on-one settings better than I do group settings sometimes. Sometimes.2) I like to pick at things. Water bottle labels, scabs, dog-eared pages…you name it, I’ll probably be messing with it if I’m bored or waiting for something ( ... )
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i-if it makes you feel any better, I'm kindasorta your a creeper myself, too, and I SAY YES TO ONEW AND ONTAE FOREVERRRRRR in fact, idek how I held out this long without realizing their shining & brilliant perfection before ;___; (And she does write THE best OnTae ever, yesssssssssss I seriously haven't found anyone that portrays them quite the way she does...and believe me, that's a very good thing coming from me because my standards are ridiculous as it is >____>)
So, ummm, thank you for that little note of agreement and the comment...because you're really cool and stuff and I poked around your journal for a bit and I think you're...reallyreally cool & all that jazz. Yeaaaahhhh /*w*/ ♥
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B-BUT I REALLY THINK YOU ARE and I've come across your journal multiple times before, not just hereeeeeee >/////> /feels like a creeper, though
I loooooove picspams kekekeke and graphically perverted posts are a-ok, too! 8Db (And, of course Onew picspams -- I COULD ALWAYS USE MORE PICTURES OF ONEW since I never feel like I have enough of him @w@;;)
Kkkkkk I see you did & I added you right back. ty sweetie, and here's to hoping for a very good friendship from now on~~ ♥
omg stop i don't L O L
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