i am a slow person :(

May 13, 2010 05:19

well, this hit me, like, a few days ago but

i was listening to get down like crazy (just for hey, i'm that cool cat, meow, honestly speaking; i mean you could see me walking down the hallway and at random moments i would just do a...meowing action, idek)

and then i REALIZED

that key says "넘어와야만해, 넘어올 수 밖에"

and then jonghyun did

why am i so slow? WHY didn't i piece those together?

well partially 'cause i never liked get down until....recently.  URHHGHHH now reveling in the fact that key is totally embarrassed because jonghyun just seduced him with his own words


!oh jongkey, !random

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