Apr 22, 2008 18:22
does anyone else find this designated day a little stupid? i know it's supposed to like, raise awareness about the shitty stuff we're doing to the environment, but tomorrow it's going to make no difference and no one is going to think about it. just drive to work in your hummer and think about how kind it was of you yesterday to buy the pump bottle of hairspray instead of the aerosol. oh yeah, and Bush planted a tree in New Orleans today, haha. i wonder how the citizens felt about that? i mean fuck, a whole tree... i bet they were like "man, i really didn't agree with how he dealt with that whole Katrina thing, but here he is planting a tree... golly what a president!!"
on the same-ish subject, kinda annoyed with the couture-type tshirts you see at all the stores now that have slogans on them about global warming or being green or recycling or conserving water. i feel like they're everywhere. who buys them? i hardly see anyone wearing them. i was just reminded of it today since i DID actually see a girl wearing one. i don't know, i guess i would feel guilty wearing something like that cause i'm going ultra out of my way to be environmentally friendly. kudos to those who do, it is a really hard thing, or seems like.
today made me excited for summer, getting done with this semester, and going to my cabin/swimming. i really want to go swimming. today i was daydreaming about it at work. like when you're just floating on your back and looking at the sky with your ears underwater (i wish i could put it more eloquently), it's just nice...