Jan 04, 2007 23:51
So when I was cleaning out my room at home, I found my old journals. The first one, the one I have decided is pure genius, I received on my first communion. Here are some excerpts:
Diery of Amanda Wade
Private property!
Dont touch!
This means you Robert!
(At one point I actually wrote "Assignments of Amanda Wade" in case someone found it and would somehow believe that it was just homework assignments.)
April 24, 1994
Today was my first Communion. I thout the hoast tasted like Stira-foam. For my first Communion party I got a "Brides Bible," a "necalice," this "Diery," and a "Mary statue," a "First Communion porcelen doll," and other things. You can only have one first Commnuion. I had a lot of fun!
Amanda Wade
April 26, 1994
Dear Diery,
Today was feild day! There were lots of events. I was disapointed in myself because I didn't win a ribben! But I had fun!
Amanda Wade
May 16, 1994
Dear Diery,
Todayday my best friend got an Award for writing the best story in our grade! She got a trowfy, a Curtificat, and a book. I was proud of her. But sort of jealous.
Amanda Wade
(Insert random picture of a park with trees as well as a sun shining and smiling down.)
Jan. 16, 1995 8:39 AM
Dear Diary [I finally spelled it right!],
Lots off things have happend since New Year. Dad hasn't smoked a sigerette while we're with him. Happy Birthday M.L.K.J!
Amanda Wade
March 11, 1995 11:43 AM
Dear Diery,
I drank spoild milk. I started to feel sick then it went away.
May S[I'm guessing that means "Start"] 6:39 PM F 6:46 PM
Dear Diery,
I'm sorry i have not written in so long. I've been busy. Today I played Major Leage Math! [I have no clue what that is.] We lost against Robert and lost Robere Robert rubbed it in! He made me feel bad, because use my tean tried our best.
Amanda Wade
Oh, there's much more to come . . . Read the next entry for how I feel about two boys in my class, my brother, and the cursive letter "L."