(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 00:07

"Art", to me, stretches beyond the conventional definition.
"Art", to me, is the ability to overload any singular sense for any period of time.
For Insance:
Paintings, drawings, even new age computer graphics, are all visual art. They're taken in with the eyes and effect primarily the sense of sight.
Music, of all kinds, obviously effects the sense of hearing.
Now that's pretty obvious. But those are what is considered art. Therefore, under that definition we could stretch a bit and assume that:
Good cooking, or good food, would be considered an art(form) considering that under this defintion, all it has to do is overwhelm a sense, which is what it does, with the sense of taste. You can argue that everyone likes a different food, but thats what art is. Everyone likes different paintings and music too.
Furthermore, sex, under this definition would be considered art. It overwhelms the sense of touch and upon asking any man what they'd most want to touch of all things, i find it unlikely that anything would outrank a woman in number of responses.
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