Jun 24, 2006 18:18
Myspace anymore, at all.
It used to be a love/hate type situation because lets face it, it got me laid.
Unfortunately, thats hardly the case anymore. I've used up all of my resources and i'm far too lazy/disillusioned now to add new girls for no other purpose than the hopes of getting them to watch movies in my basement.
Now it's just all hate.
Why, you ask? Well, I'm not totally sure. Probaby because it's avenue for some of the fakest shit i've ever seen in my life. Nobody likes fake-ass-ness, but it runs amok on myspace. Hypocritcaly enough, the same people who are guilty of this probably pretend to "hate fake people" without ever realizing they're the fake ones.
Naw mean? No? Okay well, it's like this:
EVery fucking time I go on myspace (which isnt as often as it used to be, given)I run into either;
A) Really generic/pointlessly nostalgic comments left from one near stranger to another with no real point other than to cause the illusion of friendship.
IE: "You are my hero, lets make out."
These comments are intended, for the sole purpose, to make the random 3rd party viewer think "Shit, he left him a myspace comment. That guy (recepient)'s pretty cool. They must be friends in real life.
Wrong. OR
B) Retarded comments left between friends encouraging their feelings for one another, yet strangely lacking the informality and closeness you'd expect between freinds.
IE: "You are my hero, lets make out."
They seem the same, but trust me, they're not.
Basically what im trying to say, is that myspace has changed from a place where kids like me try to get random 18 year old out of town ass, to a place where insecure kids convene to lick eachother's assholes and swing from eachother's balls like tarzan in the hopes that someone else will see their page and be impressed by who they added to their (wait for this one!) top 24.
Who the fuck needs a top 24?
Sooner or later, if the trend continues, people will have top 100's.
Won't that be fun?
Hook me up with spot #98!
I also hate specific girls who constantly leave said "lets make out" (or other flirtatious in nature) comments to just about every single guy they talk to on "the space" because they're "just being friendly."
Listen, you're not "being friendly", you're encouraging date rape, and i'm actually inclined to feel bad for the rapist this time.
How many "hey sexy, we shouldve made out last night!" myspace messages, fake "swing" dances, and hip bumps/ass slaps will it take before the poor male hippopotamus' brain forms the signal that you're interested and decides to jam his tongue down your throat, at which point you do your best shower scene impression and scream bloody murder while simultaneously pushing him off you?
That's your future, baby, better get used to it.
That, or stop acting like a fucking tease.
Because before you know it, you're going to wake up at 4pm in bed with a fat black guy and with a stomach full of roofies.
Have some fucking self respect.