yesterday = best day E.V.E.R.

Sep 17, 2005 09:14

1. no work
2. went on a nice run, saw the Hook goin' off da HOOK!
3. brook came over
4. dad came over and brook hid in closet to spy on me trying to figure out if dad told mom he's married....i have such a weird family!!!
5. brook came out of closet
6. went to Sushi buffet with Sean and Brook....mmmmm
7. went into brook's work so that we could see if he was working this morning so that last night we could go up to SF and spend the night, he was OFF! hurrah!
8. on the way home was called by MATTMAN and stopped over at his house for a chat, sooo lovely!
9. watched a really funny patriotic simpsons (the one when they accidentally hate usa'ns...)
10. went on a night-bike-skate-adventure with Sean
11. got drunk at brook's work waiting for him to get the fuck off....lasted till 1130pm. so therefore did NOT go to SF last night...
12. meanwhile...the whole time got text-stalked by this guy at my work. soooo funny.
13. woke up in my fancy clothes (for the "fancy" clubs in the city and makeup all over my face.
14. it's SUNNNNNNNY!!!!!! yay!
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