Jun 10, 2005 12:50
hey everbody!
its been a while...but it seems that soon i wont even have any friends on LJ because you are all too cool for me and are dropping ur LJs like flies. flies die every few days, you know. good riddance! (to flies, not you guys...) um so life is great, and i dont really have anything to say, but i jsut felt like letting you know i´m having the time of my life, honestly.
i only have 21 days left in Santiago. HOLY SHIT. that is fuckin NOTHING. its gonna be very sad, i really dont want to leave. after i leave time will fly, because i´ll be on vacation for a month and a half, and being of vacation always makes time fly by. but serioulsly, im gonna be home really soon. where did the time go!?!?! i feel like all you guys at home just FROZE in time, and will be exactly the same when i get back, but i know shit has changed for you too, i mean it HAS been like 5 months. so its time to tell me everything CRUCIAL that has happened so that when i get back i wont have to be like ´who the fuck is that guy with you? oooh, hes your husband..ok so YOU got married while i was gone´etc....you know the deal.