Sometimes I wonder where all this is going

Dec 06, 2006 09:42

Life's been playing with me lately. My landlady is, of course, looking for a new tenant, saying she'll get inot financial trouble otherwise. I wonder how this is possible if she's a working woman and the rent is 485 euros max. But hey! Not my problem. Anyway, I asked her yesterday when someone was coming around to see the room, because I had overheard her talking on the telefoon. She then looked at me funny, and asked:"Why is that important?" Excuse me, but I life here too, lady! Stupid woman. If I get a new room, I'm out of here. Although of course, I be curteous enough to try and find a new tennant, and I will stick to the one month's notice. She really doesn't deserve it, though. I've no idea what she does with her money, but if she has debts of some kind it's her problem, not mine.

Okay, room-rant is over now. The rest is still as it was. Now I have to go and do homework. By the way, in case i did not discuss this before, I wanted to go carolling. But it turns out the choir practises on thursday and, as we all know, thursday is theatre-day, so no carolling for me. Major bummer, because I like to sing. I was really looking forward to doing that.

Okay, I'm really done now. Cheers...kind of.
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