Back to the Salt Mines.

Nov 21, 2009 18:34

I went back to work at Instant Windscreens on Thursday. It was a little bit weird at first and I was really nervous and had to sit with Lauren and listen to her taking calls because I couldn't remember how to do it. I'm sorry, that was a poorly constructed sentence. But by the end of the day I had my head in the game and I even partook in a little witty banter with my old colleagues (calling them smelly etc). It was a bit of a shock to the system though, especially because I had to do overtime which made my first day back a 10 hour shift. I realise now how easy uni life is, although assignments do suck balls.

That night The Grrrls and I ate some Relatively-quick Pasta and saw the late Mr Ledger in Dr Parsnip. I really want to go through that mirror!

Yesterday I was roodly awoken by mother asking me to babysit. I did reluctantly, and then napped in the afternoon. My parents came over that night for dinner which was splendid and rather over-the-top. I forced them to watch Changeling and we ate a blueberry and black cherry cheesecake that I had taken a week to finally put together. It was worth the wait.

Today was spent shopping (kinda) in the City and eating mediocre lasagne. I found the bar mixer I have been looking for in MYER which is a big deal, trust me. Better still, mother has offered to give me a voucher which will mean I don't have to pay for it! I also stole a few spritz' of Versace Eau Fraiche which makes me smell absolutely amazing if I do say so myself.

Tonight I'm going out to paint the town red. Tomorrow, baby shower for old Stellar friend (I'm making a cake shaped like a poo and serving it up in a nappy - this is why I should never have children of my own).

EDIT: OMG I nearly forgot to tell my amazing story. The other day I was driving along Marmion doing 80 when some douchbag sped up behind me. He must have either been doing about 100 or he changed lanes because he was suddenly right there, BAM. Anyway I usually secretly enjoy these sorts of situations because I will continue doing the speed limit and not be pressured into speeding up; because I don't want to give them the satisfaction of that, and also I like pissing off douchebags. But this guy was insane, he came right up behind me and didnt slow down, so I flashed my brakes and took my foot off the accelerator so he would get the hint. All this did was enrage him to the point that he purposefully drove into the back of my car. Then he overtook me and we had to stop at a red light a few seconds later. Whilst I was writing down his rego he put on his reverse lights and started rolling backwards towards me. He was obviously a complete fucktard, I don't know. As soon as the lights turned green he sped off, I did not try to follow. There was very minimal damage to my car as the bottom panel is plastic, but the paint was cracked a bit and my exhaust pipe was bent. The scariest part of this whole episode is that my 3 year old brother was in the back seat at the time.
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