I had some rather disturbing dreams last night. I've been unsettled all day.
The one that really got me... I don't know how or why it started. Even in my dream I remember wondering what the hell was happening.
My mom (real mom, not a dream mom) and I were sitting on the ground and she had my right pant leg pulled up above my knee. She had a box of stuff and she said something about "getting started." And then she pulled out a long needle that was threaded with a thick, silver string. I didn't know what her plans were until she was almost doing it and then all I could think was that this was going to hurt. A lot. But I let her do it because I trusted her. The needle entered one side of my leg and then she pushed it under the skin until it was pretty much on the other side of my leg before she pulled it out. It didn't hurt, but I was horrified. She pulled out other needles with thread and did it a few more times. And then she started sewing large trinkets into my skin. Things I didn't recognize and other things I did. Like
these things. What?!
Then she got angry and started cursing and saying she'd done it all wrong. So she got out a knife and sliced into me. There was no blood but there was a big flap of skin she pulled back, red on the inside. And she started yanking out all the strings, sometimes tearing my skin.
I half-way woke up at this point before drifting off again.
I think I should tell mom about this because it will completely horrify her and therefore be hilarious.