If you're a washed-out bum or a gay bourgeois, you're welcome round here now.

Dec 11, 2007 20:50

I love my job! Today was day two, and while I got in plenty of sales (ten, which was enough to make my boss praise me and ask if I had a twin at home who also wanted work; it appears I actually have some skill in this area), I also got to meet a few of my coworkers. To begin with, they are rather lovely. Yesterday I was a little surprised to find some of my coworkers wearing body jewelry or showing tattoos. When I walked in today to ask my boss a question, he was talking with a tall, thin man wearing a blue-and-white polka dot halter sun-dress, rather frumpy black tights, high heels, and lipstick. I blinked, waited for the conversation to be over, tried not to look twice, asked my question, and went to my cubicle. No one said a thing about the man’s clothing all day, and he didn’t appear to be wearing it for any sort of special occasion or arouse any surprise from anyone else, so I can only assume that one of my coworkers is a drag queen.

Also, the lip-ringed supervisor played Panic! At the Disco all throughout the second shift (he finished up the playlist with Johnny Cash). While this definitely endeared him to me, it also gave me a headache. When you spend six hours straight talking to people and focusing on a computer screen, extra aural stimulation will be exhausting.

I even enjoy the bus ride there and back, as it gives me a little time by myself to watch the city around me, listen to my iPod, and text excessively (I think my texts aren’t sending, though-- can any of you confirm?). Astonishingly, it only takes about an hour with the transfer, the wait, and the walk to get there. For Seattle’s bus systems, this is amazing. It is even more incredible when you consider that, from my old university to the place where I work, the physical distance was about two and a half miles and it would take the same amount of time to ride the bus there.

It feels good to be doing something, to be working toward a goal (especially when, as I’m working partly at a set level and partly on commission, there’s a personal incentive), to be getting out of the house and saying that in some way you contributed to society. It’s a good change of pace; I feel a lot more useful than I did sitting in a classroom half-listening to a lecture. Plus, I’m actually on the road to out-of-debtdom and not-brokedom. It’s a very good thing.

On the non-personal side, I’ve discovered the best website ever. Although I’ve heard about a lot of the stuff that’s on there already, I’m very close from moving my homepage from spohali.com to that. Check it out, LJers, if we be friends; I’m sure at least a few of you will appreciate it as much as I do if not more.

Plus: it links me to this site, which luckilyotto, among others, must see.

Also, Heathre and Peri, this song is totally a Dio, Arcadio and Coop song. It is also quite likely an individual song for one of them but damned if I can figure out who. It’s fucking catchy, though. I’ve had it stuck in my head for hours.

have functionability will travel, heathre, my boss' name is bob, peri, music, ...with a very odd sense of humor, g2

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