(no subject)

May 30, 2007 09:15

In case any of you were unaware, God = Pete Wentz = Patrick Stump = Erin.

I'm not entirely sure how we came up with that again but it makes this icon a hell of a lot funnier. (I get how God = Pete Wentz but I forget how we made Pete = Patrick.)

College has so far been making me feel like throwing up and beating my head against a wall, but by this time next week it will be all over... allllll over except for the trip to South Africa. And then there will be holding of lion cubs and swimming with penguins and building of houses for underpriviledged single-parent families and South African theatre in one of the most celebrated festivals in the world. And to complement it perfectly, there will be more or less daily Internet access, so I will be updating and sending out e-mails, if not communicating completely normally, yes.

Maja and I had an interesting conversation with X, the placeholder bot for the AbleNET connection last night. It's making me want to trout it.

Cooperfish died the other night. I wish I could say why but his spine looked crooked and personally I think he ran into the aquarium wall at literal breakneck speed one too many times. Crazy amphetamine fish.

Yeah, in case anyone's wondering what my views on the current witchhunt are, I'm nauseated by it. It's honestly completely stupid and I hope everyone, especially the people orchestrating it, realize it soon.

But I can't talk about stupid lately, really. <-- Look, cryptic emo!

It occurs to me that I really really want to play a certain character type at dfgen2, one that I've only tackled once before (and the people who read this journal who play there will probably know what I'm talking about). Since it's rather a difficult issue I'd need to figure out what exact niche they'd occupy and where they'd come from; and I already have a puppet to introduce there, and I already have a plot that may or may not happen depending on when Peri and I decide to Maximize Angst™, and I already have an open post that needs to go up sometime soon so maybe I should push it out of my mind for a few weeks.

Whatever. I'm doping myself up on coffee and going to my next class.

disorder and chaos, your daily dose of surreality, college, gen2, africa, wtf, many many tags, maja, spohali

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