I stayed home from school today and painted my nails black, like my soul. (I automatically pluralized that-- perhaps my obsession with Mephistopheles has gone a mite too far.)
Ever since
meteorspark explained how Green Day's American Idiot is a rock opera, I've been listening to it the way I listen to all recorded operas: I pick a part of it I like, replay it over and over, sometimes going a little back or a little forward to get the proper context. So far it's been "St. Jimmy" at the top. "She's a Rebel" is also growing on me. But really, I think I just like St. Jimmy. --Rock operas are fun. Heh. (Damn you, Peri.)
Made several icons today, all Firefly-based. I think this is my favorite one. I should also make one of Nandi with the legend "my hero." I always liked the tough whores.
This post has no purpose whatsoever. Basically, I'm here, I'm more or less shiny, I hate school, et cetera. Only in a dynamic way, d'you see. If it were not dynamic, I wouldn't bother, I'd just assume you all knew.
Why does it always take me until nine PM to wake up?