хмари (clouds in Ukranian)

Mar 28, 2014 11:45

The series „хмари“ deals with the attempt to capture the affective forces stemming from the news coverage of Majdan's events. It traces routes of the circulation of images by means of a speculative collage technique. A cloud is an aggregation of water drops or ice crystals. They form as the result of a humid air mass cooling-off in the atmosphere. When the drops' weight increases, they can't remain suspended anymore, so they start sinking towards the ground. Rain falls down.

Last winter we became anew witnesses of a public space - that of Kiev's Majdan - being reformulated, transforming itself into the site of an explicit political struggle as well as acts of violent resistance. Not only the macro-political consequences of those events remain indeterminate. The potency of the images of such a Majdan does not consist simply in providing the facts about certain occurrences. What else are these images capable of doing?

01001101, stolen goods

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