Minna: where have you been?

Nov 23, 2008 13:16

*walks in twirling her pocket watch* ummm.. Hi Guys..
Minna: where have you been?
Edward: the usual?
Yes... School and...
Sora: WorK?
Alphonse: Where did you come from?
Sora: destiny Island?
Riku: we also have been "busy" as well
Ummm.. Riku... T-M-I
Riku: oops sorry...
Roxas: anyway, what Riku means is that we were killing Heartless
Alphonse: Ohh k
* sneaks out the back way*
Seto: Hold on you.... where do you think you are going,,
Nowhere.. Oh I saw Twilight on friday!! OMG... SOO ... COOL
Jou: really? is it about Vampires?
Yes. so, really i could have posted a blog but...
Sasuke: you were....
Being Lazy ^_^
Sasuke: why... am i not suprised..
Sorry any ways Final are coming up soon
Harry: and you are studying RIGHT?
Draco: Potter, Leave her alone.. what are you her mother?
Yes, Harry i am studying as best as i can..
Seto: Good well, i guess you are working hard aren't you but not like me...
Naruto: SO, this movie had trailers right?
Sasuke: Dobe, Of course Movies have trailers.. * feeds him Ramen*
Naruto: Teme..* eats his Ramen*
SOOO CUTE * takes pictures*
anyways, Yes and they had The Half-Blood Prince Trailer!! * Dies*
Harry: *pokes her* are.. you WAIT!
Draco: yes he-
Harry: NOOOOOOO *emo's in a corner*
Jou: are you ok harry?
Draco: he's okay he just got remind that Dumbledore is Dead
Jou: isn't the Headmaster of your school?
Draco: yes he was
Jou: ohhh. sorry
Draco: its okay
Harry: i-i-i-i wi-ill be o-ok
Draco: * hugs harry Tight*
Awww, oH Snap im not done reading the Book Yet AAHHH! * goes and reads it*
Naruto: Glad to see you are okay..
Sora: Don't stay away for too long
Roxas: yes we miss you
Axel: ROXAS!!! I FOUND YOU!! please come back to me!
Roxas: NO im not goinG BACK! *Runs to Strider and Hides*
Riku: he will come back*
Sasuke: be Safe and Good
Edward: dont you
Alphonse: Brother please be nice..
Jou and Seto: * finish ed's sentence* Do that again....!
Im sorry guys next time i wil try and update if i can
until next Time BYYYEEE
Seto: Mokuba, you know what to do...
Mokuba: Right big brother!, Please enjoy these Quizzes

You should play the CLARINET!
Two words: teacher's pet. Clarinets are polite and very smart. Good for you. :D
-thats what i play lol


Animal: Fox. Name: Kori. Personality: You are a loner but if you can, you will be around others. You generally prefer silence but you can also be very energetic. But no matter how your feeling that day, you will always be a ‘now’ type of person. You do everything then and there. You never give up and are always pushing yourself to the limit. Wish: You wish to one-day get to the max. That you no longer have to work so hard. That you can just relax and look at everything you’ve done. Friends: Your friends with few people but somehow you just attract people to you and you become friends. You have enemies because your very straight-forwards towards people. You like having your friends with you, but you will never admit it. Color: You like bright colors, red, yellow and orange. Colors that represent life. Stone: Garnet. Hobbies: You should take a bubble bath. Relax and enjoy life, don’t just push through it. You’re both physically and mentally strong, you just have to learn how to apply them both together to reach the maximum you can do. Quote: “Never give up, for around the next corner, your life might change forever.” -Quote I read somewhere. “Do not be ‘against’ anything, being ‘against’ wakens you. Be ‘for’ what you want, being ‘for’ empowers you.” -Another quote I read. “You never lose until you quite trying.” -A quote I read that came from a different source then the other two.


Clumsy.... Plain.... Gets the hunk... *grr*

Godess of War, Crafts, and Wisdom
You are most like Athena, the smart, disciplined, and creative Godess of War, Crafts, and Wisdom.
ALike Athena, you love to help the noble suceed. Athena helped all teh famous heros of mythology along their journey. You like to help people reach their full potential.
You are very disciplined, and when you make a mistake, you fix it. You never make excuses for yourself, and you always see it through when you make a promise.
You are a very responsible person, and people often look to you for advice and leadership, because of your wisdom.
You are fair to everyopne, and are open-minded in your beliefs. You are also always able to see teh realistic side of things.
You are very creative, wether it be art, dancing, singing, or drama, you thrive, and are humble about it. However, when someone is rivaling you in your art, you are easily envious.
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