Attention- Aspiring and Accomplished Artists and Storytellers

Sep 10, 2008 08:33

Good morning ladies and gentleman,

I hope this letter finds you well.  I wish to invite you to two new events, both of which I will be doing at SalonCon

The first is a salon on steampunk as an artistic inspiration.

Steampunk started initially as a subgenre of literature and has now expanded into a fashion but it doesn't have to stop there.  We as creative individuals can take steampunk into new and interesting directions!  We can go further!

In this hour we will discuss how various past artistic movements, primarily Art Nouveau and Art Deco, shapes and informs steampunk and how we can push the aesthetic even further.

The second is Modern Yarnspinning, taking place opposite of the tea.  For those of us who brought our lunch I will be running a storytelling competition(and, if we don't get that many people, I'll be teaching the fine art of telling a good tale!).

It will be even better than you think,  come and see!

James J.
Head of Promotions

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