This is the kind of woman I am.

Nov 30, 2009 07:44

We bought some of those adorable tiny honey mandarin oranges the other day. Last night George was out meeting with a friend about some business and I spoiled Valerie and let her eat 3 of them. She loves them so much she'll keep asking for more long past when it's reasonable. Then George came home and I caught him feeding her another one which I later found out was actually the third one he'd given her.
Needless to say, she got a tummy ache pretty soon afterwards. About an hour after we all went to bed.
I ended up laying beside her nursing her every time she'd cry out in her sleep which was about every half hour. Or less. I don't think I actually fell asleep the entire night. Finally at ten to four she was crying so frequently and so desperately and she wasn't interested in nursing anymore, but was just thrashing around in her sleep so I picked her up and tried giving her a warm bath. That just made her horribly angry. She was all pink and wet and loud and bloated like an overblown balloon.
So I took her downstairs screaming and naked, sat her on her potty chair on the kitchen counter and gave her a tub of soy icecream and a spoon and then I proceeded to make the most delicious ever banana oatmeal raisin and dredges of several different types of almost finished breakfast cereals from the back of the cereal cupboard cookies.
While they baked and after Valerie got sick of feeding herself icecream we danced around the living room wildly to Loreena McKennitt.
Now we're watching Iggle Piggle and cuddling while I type this and George is getting up and ready for work. He thinks my cookies are really good. Yay. Usually it just irritates him when I bake because it makes such a mess and makes the house smell icky and sweet and he doesn't really like cookies or cakes at the best of times.
Here's how I made my cookies:
I took the last of my tub of vegan margarine, maybe a bit less than a cup and I added the last of our brown sugar, maybe a little more than a cup, and a cup of white sugar and mixed it together with a really ripe banana that I had mashed up with a few squirts of lemon juice. Then I added a big splash of vanilla, probably a quarter cup, maybe it didn't need that much, but maybe it did, they sure tasted good. And some soy milk. I mixed all that together. In a different bowl I mixed 2 cups of flour with a tablespoon of baking powder and the last of our quick cooking oats (maybe almost 2 cups?) and I mixed that into the wet stuff. It seemed pretty wet to me still so I started pulling out all the odds and ends of mostly empty cereal boxes from the cupboard, there was some granola and muesli and bran worms that I'd pulled the bag out of the box and so I can't even remember what kind of bran worms they were, but you know those little worm shaped bran things right? and a few cheerios too and I mixed them in. And then I added the last of our dried out raisins, maybe a half cup. I baked it all up in little piles about the size of a giant heaping table spoon on an ungreased silicon covered cookie pan at 375 for 12 minutes. That's it. Mmmmmmm!!! as Valerie says. :)
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