[Fic] Divided Hearts (1/?)

Jan 02, 2014 14:33

Series: Samurai Warriors
Title: Divided Hearts (1/?)
Pairing(s): Kanetsugu/Masamune eventually. Most likely hints of Sakon/Mitsunari and Yukimura/Kunoichi
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: G for this parts, but the series overall will be T-M
Warnings: Not historically accurate. Yaoi/Slash. A handful of original characters.
Summary: Ieyasu loses at Sekigahara, and Masamune Date plans to do what he can to ensure his clan's survival. It might be easier if the final decision wasn't up to one Kanetsugu Naoe.

I didn't intend to post this, but in the upcoming Samurai Warriors 4, Date finally is getting a general! Kojuro finally gets a unique model! Yes! (Plus, not all characters are announced yet, so there may be more! If so, I will be so happy I may need sedated.) However, that means that this story as currently written will probably end up needing changed because chances are his characterization won't be the same as mine. This is actually only part one of a multi-part series I intended to write. I really loved this beginning too. So I'm posting it before SW4 comes out. Then I'll completely rewrite it depending on how SW4 goes.

This will not be historically accurate. LOL. That said any historical info that gets added in isn't exactly accidental, but is used for convenience and plot development. It's based on a combination of the first three Samurai Warriors, and on the idea of the Western Army winning Sekigahara. Cuz I may be able to write a KaneMasa story even if the Eastern Army wins, but it would be even more angst filled than this one. And this is going to be angst filled enough.

"Riders approaching from the south!"

Masamune didn't even bother to slow his horse's pace. He drove it onward, waiting for the messengers to catch up. Behind him, his army kept pace - following his example. They would be nearing Hasedo soon, and there was no time to waste on some idle message from the Tokugawa. No doubt telling him what he already knew. He was certain Kanetsugu's troops would be winning the battle. Had that much faith in the other warrior's abilities. But once he added his own men to the fight, the tide would turn.

"Lord of Oshu! Grave news!" The messenger shouted as his horse weaved through the ranks to near the front of the lines where his generals surrounded him.

Kojuro looked over sharply at the rider, and Magoichi glanced over at the young lord. When the mercenary gave a sudden tilt of his head, his suggestion was clear. Cursing the waste of time, he held up a hand. The pace of the army slowed, then came to a stop. The messenger, breathing as heavily as the horse he rode, dropped off his mount gracelessly. "The Eastern forces have lost at Sekigahara!"

The words were like a wildfire, spreading outward. Masamune could sense the sudden tension in the air, and he leapt off his horse, storming forward to grab the man's arm. "What nonsense are you talking about? How could they lose? Didn't the Mori and Kobayakawa turn?"

"In the end, their assistance was fruitless! The Tokugawa have retreated back to Edo Castle!"

Masamune's hands tightened on his arm. "You're lying!"

"I swear my lord, it's the truth! The forces of the West have won!"

For a moment he could hear a pounding in his ears. A part of him uncertain if it was his blood or the muted sound of cannon fire. In his mind he could see what would happen next. Sanada would have won already. As would have the forces of Kyushu. They'd march east to back up their armies already present. The Tokugawa, hiding in Edo Castle, would leave his men to be slaughtered by the combined might. Even if they turned and fled now, after the Tokugawa fell the Western Army would only march on the Date next. He could see Oshu in flames, as it had been during the riots he'd helped incite. As he'd sworn would never occur again. His sole reason for siding with Ieyasu - the protection of his lands and clan - now no more than a cruel jest.

A hand was on his arm, bringing him back to the present. The nightmare vision faded away. "Masamune." Magoichi's words were gentle, but a warning. He couldn't afford to fall apart. His army was watching; waiting. They needed his strength now more than ever. The strength of a dragon.

He closed his single eye, taking a deep breath and letting the messenger go. Calm regained, he straightened, and pulled his water gourd from his horse - offering it to the grateful rider.

"What are you planning on doing?" Magoichi asked him.

"We're going to Hasedo. We're going to defend it."

"Without the Tokugawa's help?" Kojuro asked.

"The Tokugawa? Ha! The Tokugawa were the ones who needed us!" Masamune spoke loudly, glancing over at the soldiers behind, making sure they heard. "They sent us to Hasedo to try to protect them from a double attack. But couldn't even hold out against a single one! They're pathetic worms, they are nothing compared to the warriors of Oshu!"

Stirred by his words, several shouts came from the waiting soldiers. "We'll march on Hasedo and crush the forces attacking it! Are you ready?!" Shouts came from the waiting men. Nodding, he turned and gestured for his generals to follow him a short ways away from the earshot of the regular troops.

"Kojuro, Tsunamoto...As soon as we have Hasedo, take half the men. Return to Iwadeyama Castle. Prepare for a siege."

"My lord." Kojuro stepped forward. "Our place is at your side."

"Your place is where I tell you it is." His tone brooked no argument. "This is only a delay. We'll put up a good fight. Long enough for you to get back home."

"Then it is our place to stay and fight and yours to return." Tsunamoto told him "Sacrificing one's life is a warrior's privilege, my lord."

"Taking orders is a warrior's duty." Masamune snapped back. "Don't you imbeciles get it? We've lost. We chose the wrong side, and our entire clan might perish for it."

"I hold that blame my lord." Kojuro spoke up.

"You gave sound advice." Masamune told him. "We were gambling either way, and you encouraged the safer bet. I agreed with you. Blaming you won't change anything. And it doesn't save me from my own guilt. I am Lord of Oshu. The final decision was mine."

"What's past is past." Magoichi added. "We have to worry about our next move."

Masamune nodded. "Fight only if you must. Offer surrender first. The clan may survive that way."

"But..." Tsunemoto began.

"The clan's survival is more important than anything else. You got that? Don't be a fool." Taking a breath to calm himself, he spoke his next words slowly, his expression serious. "Kojuro...advise them as well as you have me."

"My lord..." Kojuro's voice was a broken whisper.

"I've...been lucky to count you both as my retainers. You are the greatest of the Date. And I know you'll help lead the clan into a new era regardless of my fate." The group was silent for a long moment. "We're wasting time. Let's go."

As the two generals returned to their horses, Masamune stood rooted. Magoichi glanced at him. "Something on your mind?"

"I told you if you came with me, we'd make a better land. It's not happening. You don't have to come to Hasedo."

"Turn my back on a pal? Not in this lifetime." Magoichi smiled. "Besides, fighting against the odds? Business as usual."

Masamune chuckled. "Sometimes I think you just might be crazy. Let's go."

They had set up camp near where the Uesugi were besieging the castle, laying claim to one of the garrisons. In the command tent, Magoichi was studying a map of the terrain they were about to do battle on. Kojuro was across the table from him, his expression worried - as was almost always the case.

More than content to leave their strategy to the gunner and senior retainer, Tsunamoto sat to one side, sharpening his weapons. Masamune, knowing the terrain intimately and feeling no need to stare at the map til his eye hurt, stared restlessly out of the tent instead.

Somewhere across the mixed landscape of wilderness and buildings, lay the Uesugi main camp. There, Kanetsugu would be meeting with his own generals. Discussing their own strategies for the coming battle.

Somehow, it always came down to Kanetsugu. On the field or off, both as an ally and an enemy. They'd fought together against the Tokugawa to defend Ueda castle. Against each other in a clash between their clans. Together against the Hojo - before which the Uesugi warrior had even defended him when Kanbei had tried to call him out. He'd returned the favor by aiding in the rescue of Mitsunari. Not that he'd been grateful at all. Even claiming that he recalled no debt between them.

Their verbal spats, near legendary during the peaceful years the land experienced before Hideyoshi's death, had always centered on their conflicting views. Kanetsugu constantly yapping about honor, while he himself strived to get the warrior's head out of the clouds and make him see the reality of the now. How a prosperous land could provide a better life for its people. Of course, then Kanetsugu would go off on how it was more important for the spirit to prosper than the body.

Occasionally he'd wondered if the warrior even talked in his sleep. He never seemed to shut up otherwise.

"Will you shut up about honor already, Kanetsugu?" He complained one time they'd crossed paths at Osaka Castle. "I swear I can hear you even when you're not around. It's like you're in my head."

"This is indeed a good sign." He'd actually seemed in good spirits that day. No less superior or insulting, but at least he'd been smiling for once. "If the concepts of honor and justice can penetrate even your thick skull, then a world where honor is revered above all cannot be far behind."

"Great. A whole world of Kanetsugus. Just kill me now." He'd responded, more exasperated than angry.

Through each passionate argument, there'd almost seemed to be a bond growing between them. That day, only months before Hideyoshi's death, he'd felt it the strongest. Neither would term the other friend. So what was between them? What drew them to each other time and again?

"If the castle falls, the Uesugi might just get the upper hand." Magoichi's statement drew him back to the present.

"Worry not, we shall deal them a resounding defeat." Masamune didn't even look back. "It's time."

"It would be best if you stayed here to defend the garrison, my lord." Kojuro spoke up.

"Not this battle. There is no element of surprise. He knows we're here. He knows I'm here. There's nowhere to run."

"Even so, someone has to watch our rear defenses." Tsunamoto spoke up. "I want to go find an enemy to stab."

"I will distract the Uesugi at the north garrison. The castle is in your hands." Magoichi shouldered his rifle.

"I will defend." Kojuro sighed.

"Let's go." Masamune led the way out of the tent. Before he could mount his horse, the sound of a rider was heard approaching. "My lord!"

"What in blazes could it be now?" Masamune cursed as he watched one of their scouts riding to them.

Dismounting swiftly, he kneeled at Masanune's feet. "A small army approaches from the south."

"We have a large army right in front of us. What difference does a small one make? Let them come."

"My lord, it's led by...." The scout hesitated.

"Well? Speak, you imbecile! Who leads it?"

"Date Shigezane." The messenger replied reluctantly. "Your cousin."

For a moment Masamune froze. Unable to help himself, he glanced at Kojuro and Tsunamoto. The pained looks on their faces he did not doubt was mirrored on his own.

"Could he truly have accepted Uesugi Kagekatsu's offer?" Tsunamoto's whisper was strained.

"Whose banner is he flying?" Magoichi, less effected by the news, thought to ask.

"...now that you mention it... none. Nor are his troops in formation." The scout stated.

"Sounds like he wants to talk."

"What if he's a decoy?" Though the suggestion was clearly distasteful for him to make, Kojuro forced the words out.

Masamune hesitated, torn between hope and suspicions born from bitter experience. 'A world where honor is revered. Could you be that much a hypocrite, Kanetsugu?' His thoughts whirled.

He thought of the battles he'd fought both with and against the Uesugi warrior. It didn't help that each memory was also shared with Shigezane. The fierce fighting spirit to Kojuro's worry-filled wisdom. His loyal supporter inside both clan and family. Until an argument over stipends and rewards, of all things, had made him storm off. A ronin now - no longer one of his own. But would he truly go so far as to turn his blade against him?

He'd had to give the orders that killed both his father and his brother. If he had to do so a third time, it just might break him.

"...No. Even if he has betrayed us, he wouldn't take it so far. And decoys aren't Kanetsugu's thing either. They aren't honorable." His mouth curved into a wry smile, but there was no true warmth in it. "So. If he is here to talk, let's see what he has to say."

Turning back to the scout, he crossed his arms confidently. "Send a runner with a flag. Offer him to come. He can even bring a small unit, if that makes him feel better."

He came alone. Dressed in full armor, but no weapon visibly in hand. The entire camp was watching; tensions high. Recovered from the shock, Masamune kept his face neutral as Shigezane approached.

"It's been a couple of years. Shigezane."

The warrior stopped a respectful distance away. Slowly he nodded. "It has."

"There's been rumors that Uesugi Kagekatsu has made you an offer. Are you here on behalf of your new master?" There was a tinge of scorn in his tone. To argue with him over rewards and stipends, then take up with a less prosperous clan added insult to injury.

"It's funny. Sometimes all it takes is someone to offer you a position and suddenly you realize where you belong. Where you've always belonged." Slowly, Shigezane sank to his knees. "That there is only one whom you could ever truly call lord, and mean it." He bowed low - his head nearly touching the ground. "If you would take me back, Lord Date, I would fight for you tooth and nail."

He had to know - at this point the whole land probably knew - that the eastern forces had lost at Sekigahara. To come back now, turning down an offer from a clan leader from the western forces to do so, and to do so with such humility... Masamune could recall few times in his life he'd been so deeply touched.

He was not, however, one to express such emotions so easily. "Imbecile!" The insult exploded past his lips, startling nearly everyone save Shigezane and him. Moving forward, he knelt down to place a hand on his helmet gently. "What took you so long?" Shigezane raised his head, and the two of them exchanged a smile. "Get up, already. And take your rightful place in my ranks."

Those gathered cheered as the two stood. Kojuro stepped forward to take the returned warrior's shoulder in a firm grip, while Tsunamoto pounded him on the back with a shout of, "It's about time, you hot head!"

Masamune stepped back to let the three have their moment and felt when Magoichi stepped up to his side. "Now I know we can't lose." He told the gunner.

"Well then, let's go impress the ladies."

Masamune snorted in amusement.

To Be Continued... (and possibly rewritten)

So, you may have noticed the presence of three little OCs in the fic. As most of this story will be occurring in Oshu, I needed some Date clan characters. And with Koei not providing, I made them. Most Masamune fans are somewhat acquainted with Katakura Kojuro already. I've even seen him included in a few Masamune fics even. (Can I say I love all you fic writers who do that?)

My own version of Kojuro is based on the fact that - historically - he was quite a bit older. He died shortly after the battle for Osaka Castle, sending his son to that battle in his stead as he was too ill to go. He was also Masamune's main advisor. A position Magoichi occupies during SW2 & SW3. While I like Magoichi - and even like his and Masamune's interaction - I've never understood why they didn't just give Kojuro a unique model instead. My version of Kojuro's worrywart personality is based on SW1. I've always thought of the little whiny officer who's always around in his scenarios as Kojuro. Loyal, but suffering. You can't blame him, really. Masamune's a handful for anyone.

Kojuro, historically, is loyalty personified. Not only did he really charge onto the field shouting "I'm Masamune Date!" to distract the enemy and let Masamune escape, he was given a fief of his own by Hideyoshi - which he returned. He chose Masamune over having his own lands. Pretty awesome.

Date Shigezane was Masamune's cousin. He was one of Masamune's strongest warriors. He and Masamune did argue over not being rewarded well enough for his services. He left for nearly five years, actually. And Uesugi Kagekatsu did attempt to hire him. For Sekigahara, no less. Shigezane refused and that same autumn rejoined Masamune - later fighting for him at the battle for Osaka castle. Given this little historical tiff, I thought making Shigezane a hot head was a good basis.

Oniwa Tsunamoto (/Oniniwa Tsunamoto/ Moniwa Nobumoto), together with Shigezane and Kojuro, was the third of the "Three Great Men of the Date Clan". When his father was slain in battle, Masamune let him choose the fate of the man who killed him. Rather than seek vengeance, Tsunemoto let him go free. With that in mind, I made him the level headed of the three.

I hope you'll learn to love my trio. Or at least tolerate them for the sake of the fic.

fic series - divided hearts, kanetsuguxmasamune, masamune, samurai warriors

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