[fic] Worth the Ache & Seishun Amigo

Jan 27, 2012 17:48

A set of ficlets that somehow never got posted here. To repeat what I posted then:

Because I stalk fic writers search for fics to read, I came across this meme about writing 5 fics from 5 random songs on your mp3 player. Setting it to shuffle and dealing with what songs came up, and only writing during the song. Being an imbecile ambitious, I tried it out with Sakon/Mitsunari and Kanetsugu/Masamune. The results are kind of mixed, but I thought I'd share.

1) The Thunder Rolls

Mitsunari watches the lightning flash across the sky. He's never been to this particular whorehouse before. Behind him, he can hear the screaming of the girls carousing with Hideyoshi. Somewhere back at Osaka castle, Nene was no doubt awake, staring out at the storm. Waiting for her philandering husband to return home.

His loyal retainer wasn't there that evening either, and he wonders briefly if Sakon was at another whorehouse somewhere, surrounded by woman. Ironic, comparing himself to Nene. He'd never have thought it possible. He notices the shadow a moment before one of the girls scream.

"My lord!" He shouts. And Hideyoshi is up in a flash, guards leading him to safety - away from the dead whore on the floor.

In the shadows, Mitsunari glimpses golden armor. But he'll never tell anyone, even if asked.

2) My Front Porch Looking In

Sakon had been a ronin for many years. Hadn't considered anyplace home for so long, he's surprised he remembers the term. The view from Sawayama Castle is breathtakingly beautiful. Though no more beautiful than other lands he'd travelled while wandering. No, it wasn't the view looking out of Sawayama Castle that he adored.

It was the view in.

From his current position he can see Kunoichi and Kaihime arguing over something, the ninja girl giggling as Kai loses her infamous temper. Yukimura and Kanetsugu are sparring in the main courtyard, just to keep in practice. And standing silently in the doorway, was Mitsunari. Doing his best to look unamused by the chaos in his castle. And looking all the more beautiful for the small smile he doesn't realize is on his face.

3) Excuse Me Mr. (These songs suck for this pairing. Haha...)

A part of Mitsunari has always wondered what would happen if he just screamed "Look at me!" It's how he felt sometimes growing up. As if no one paid any attention to him. Competing with Kiyomasa and Masanori for favor in Hideyoshi's court.

He wonders if he's going to feel like that all his life. He feels that way with his faithful retainer. Not because Sakon doesn't listen to him. But because he doesn't seem to be reading between the well placed lines he's desperately trying to feed him.

4) The Way

Sakon is fairly alarmed when he goes to wake Mitsunari late one morning. (It's surprising that he isn't awake and in his office.) what's even more alarming is to find the room empty. It takes almost an hour to trace his departure from the stables early that morning. He has his own horse saddled in a matter of minutes.

It was impossible to find him, or should have been. But Mitsunari isn't going fast. Sakon wonders if he wants caught or not. "Have you lost your mind, my lord?" The question seems strange with the title connected to it.

"Maybe." Mitsunari shrugs.

"What are you doing?"

"...I wanted to know what it was like."


"To choose a road and just travel it. No responsibilities. No stacks of paperwork."

"You'll hate it." Sakon tells him.

5) Love is Always Worth the Ache

Mitsunari had locked his heart up when he was young. Personal relationships were a weakness. Were hearts that were under lock and key supposed to break? They did, he'd discovered. So his plan hadn't worked. But he'd never dared to take the gamble on something more. Just once he wanted to take that chance. Just once.

In that sunlit glen, he throws caution to the wind. Wrapping his arms around Sakon's neck, he presses a kiss to his mouth. He's waiting to be pushed aside, in truth. So when Sakon's arms wrap around his waist and he finds himself pinned to the soft earth, Sakon having taken complete control of both the kiss and situation, he's suprised. But not in a bad way.

Perhaps it was worth the ache afterall.

1.) Perfect

Their relationship wasn't a fantasy. They rarely agreed on motivations. They did, however agree on the end result. Perhaps that was the starting point. They could agree on something anyhow. But it still put them against eachother on the battlefield as much as it put them on it as eachother's back up.

They could depend on eachother when it counted. When he showed up late to the seige on the Hojo, and Kanbei gave Kanetsugu the chance to call him out. Despite hating lies, Kenshin's prodigy had protected him.

He never said thank-you. Kanetsugu said your welcome. The kiss was brief and heated. A promise for later. Later was interludes too far apart. Far from perfect.

2) See You Again

Masamune had known the first time they'd met that they'd end up together. The spark that had flown between their eyes had told him all he needed to know. Kanetsugu hadn't even known who he was then. Magoichi had only laughed and said he was going Incognito. Masamune had almost wanted to give his name, if only to see how the other man would react.

They'd meet on the battlefield later. And off it again. He'd set his aims on him, though, and he wasn't going to miss that target.

3) Who Wouldn't Want to Be Me?

Masamune had it all, really. Lands, a title, money. So why he envied Kanetsugu his freedom of choice bewildered him. As much as the fact that Kanetsugu only chose to continue on as he always had, serving the Kenshin clan, and Toyotomi.

If he'd had a choice. Hadn't had drilled into him that he had to be everything for the Date...

But he hadn't had that. And he was proud of what he had. What he considered the most beautiful land in all the world. A title he'd fought for and earned. And Kanetsugu.

4) Seishun Amigo

The battle was awash in blood. Kanetsugu smashed his way through the latest of his opponent, even as the sound like thunder shook the ground. Canons. The messenger's cry is indistinct at first. But a feeling hits him, a premonition, and he's found a horse before the man's message is delivered. Before any order is issued.

He finds Masamune crumpled on the ground, his wounds bleeding badly.


"Getting rescued by you, could this get worse?" Masamune taunts, but his hand is trembling in Kanetsugu's own.

"We need to get you to a medic."

"Might be too late for that." Masamune's chuckle becomes a cough. He spits blood onto the ground. "Guess I won't see that world full of Kanetsugus of yours."

"I should have come sooner." Kanetsugu whispers.

Masamune actually smiles. "Imbecile."

5) Sleepless Beauty

"It doesn't matter if your vision of how the world is supposed to be didn't come true." Masamune tells him after Sekigahara. "You gave it your all, right? It just wasn't meant to be."

"Easy for you to say. You never shared it." Kanetsugu downs another cup of sake.

"No, I had my own once though." Masamune's voice is hard.

Kanetsugu turned to look at him sharply.

Masamune's lips curve in a smile that's somehow mocking and sad at the same time. "I watched it burn to ash in the failure of the Oshu riots. But that was fine, new dreams are born. And in that new dream, I had the chance to meet you again."

Masamune, you were supposed to be the uke. How come you sound like the seme in everything but 4??

kanetsuguxmasamune, masamune, sakonxmitsunari, samurai warriors, mitsunari

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