Nov 23, 2008 21:23
I'm sick of writing literary essays!! Especially when we're given Fascist word limits. 1200 words to write an in-depth, analytical 5-paragraph essay? I don't know how he expects anyone to get this thing done properly.
Mind you, my essay idea was pretty bad-ass. Comparing the characterization in three tellings of Cinderella based on character action/interaction, character foils, and symbolism -- and why Disney wins. I've got this great organized section of my notebook with colour-coded post-its and pages that crackle when I turn them because they've been written on so extensively. I definitely enjoy being organized when I can.
I went to extra life drawing today. While I didn't get a hell of a lot done, it did reinforce my burning desire to be a model. We've had today's model before and I don't like him very much. On top of the fact that he's always late because he's taking smoke breaks, he does these incredibly stiff, boring poses that somehow all look the same no matter where he puts his limbs. And he drifts all over the place, too. There's no acting or twist or interest to any of it. If I ever became a professional life drawing model, I'd want to be twisty and curvy and inspiring, with delicate fingers and character. I'd want to be fun to draw. I'd want to be the model that everyone hears about and rushes to because the poses are so awesome and the characters so inspiring and artistic.
I want to model again soon... especially now that I'm healthy.
...I'm not sure what I've eaten today. I think I had a thing of Japanese take-out salad and a bowl of pasta. Don't know why I'm not hungry yet.
Sigh. Onwards and upwards, through the mountain of travails.