So, I'm alive. I don't really feel like it right now, but I am alive. I'm back from my holiday, the preparation for which feels like it's eaten the last six months of my life, and I'm slowly adjusting back to living in the real world. And to writing.
I know it's a lot to ask a favour when I've been slacking off on this Journal so much recently, but....
There's this new fandom I'm thinking about writing for. It's a very active fandom, has been for several years now, in a way that can't really be missed, even without going anywhere near it. And because of that, I figure any idea I come up with will have already been written at least a dozen times, and probably executed much better than I could ever hope to achieve.
So I'm going to try to embrace that. I can't dazzle anyone with anything new, so I'm going to try my hand at every fandom cliché that interests me.
Originally I was going to try to find a claim table of just clichés, but the closest I could find was
10_cliche_fics and while it's an awesome comm in its own right, it's not as all-encompassing as what I had in mind. So I'm trying to make a list of my own, and that's where the favour comes in.
So far, I've got :-
- sex pollen
- genderswap
- Unidentified Evil Source made them do it
- sex or death
- one blanket
- amnesia
- tentacles
- morning after/what did we do last night?
- time travel/timeline mix-up
- only have an hour to live
- disguised as a couple
- telepathy
- virgin sacrifice
- trapped in a closet
- being in "heat"
- spiritual "bonding"
- forced to have sex for an evil/villainous voyeur, sans brainwashing
- sharing body heat (sometimes goes with the one-blanket plot)
- truth spell/potion/technology
- only people left on earth/only people trapped in another world
- birthday wish
- cast as the leads in a romantic play
- internet mix-up
- booooooze
- risk of hypothermia; conserve body heat
- make a bet with another character
- undercover in a bd/sm ring
- safe house, forced to lie low away from the rest of the world for a while
- forced to spend a night in an eerie mansion owned by a vampire
- bump into each other accidentally in the street, eyes lock
- trapped in a cold place, must generate body heat to survive
- pon farr (or local equivalent)
- we've indavertently gotten married/gotten engaged/offered to perform the annual public sex ritual thanks to ignorance of wacky local customs
- I don't think that word means what you think it means: tragicomic mistranslations
- mistaken identity
- high school AU
- side character A mishears innocuous comment and tells everyone else B/C is OTP
- A & B decide to get C & D together for nefarious reasons
- A & B forced to act like couple for nefarious reasons, realize they really like it
- mistaken profession aka... hooker, maid, or sex slave
- revenge
- taking care of sick person (broken bones/desease) h/c
- post-rape h/c
- depression h/c
- secret identity revealed
- someone holding a big phat secret
- verbal misunderstanding
- evil guy turns good and needs forgiveness
- good guy turns evil
- good guy does something evil then needs to redeem him/herself
- costume party - Person A gets the one she wanted all her live while the masks stay on and Person B thinks this is somone else (for a twist: Person B fantasises about A during it) or Person A wants to get Person B but gets Person C
As you can see, I'm not very good at this. So any help would be massively appreciated, any suggestions of clichés and overused plot points, especially those ones gloriously and unashamedly used as a set up for sex. Then I'll probably find a table of prompts to pair the clichés up with, and see what happens. Thank you massively in advance.