(no subject)

Jun 26, 2012 21:57

So you may have noticed, but this weekend I was crazy productive. Crazy productive. Like, 6 fics in 2 days, 7632 words productive. Not bad for somebody who's been dealing with some pretty major writer's block for the past month, eh?

I didn't mention this here before, but in a fit of madness I actually signed up for both dcu-bang and marvel-bang. It was the last day and I sort of panicked and thought "I can do this", signed up and then thought "oh shit, no I can't!"

But writing that much in one weekend kind of gives me hope. I mean, I know there's a big difference between writing a batch of unconnected scenes with different characters and writing a long, continunous fic (with something resembling a plot, no less) but I'm going to try to be optimistic.

However, I'm probably not going to be that productive again for a while. I treated myself to Lego Batman 2 today, so if I vanish off the Internet, it's because I'm gleefully squealing and flailing my Wii-mote around, chanting "PRECIOUS LEGO BABIES" as I destroy Lego landscapes.
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