Yea, so I was looking for a non irc method to download the HxH manga for a friend specifically the gap that nexgear hasn't done yet. So, Virage can get caught up on the Chimera Ant arc after he finishes the OVA. And what did I find but
info on a chapter 261 released by a group called jk! I dropped a copy of the file in the mail for ya Rhoda.
Spoilage on the chapter and other general HxH spoilage )
in other news, i want kingdom hearts 2 but due to not being able to speak japanese. I can not quite play it.
Truthfully, for all their power I don't find them very interesting as opponents. Also I'm a bit disappointed in the change of theme with them as villians. Typically, before there was a thread of theme about experience as fighters and training to improve nen abilities and fighting prowess. now we got these ants that just magically are give these awsome hatsu abilities. how lame is that... The fight with the cat person sorta redemned that fault a bit in the fact that for all he kept developing these neat hatsu abilities he was cluless as to haow to use them well. But, as a whole I'll be happy when the ant arc is over. I really want to see the hisoka kururo fight. As for Leorio, you'd think there at least be a one panel updating us on how his test went...
They've been foreshadowing Gon and Killua splitting forever. yet it hasn't happened yet. I'm hoping that it happens because killua finally figures out what he wants and not because of any stupid I'm holding Gon back plot.
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