yeah, okay Anonymous.

Sep 14, 2005 16:13

let's see... since i've last updated a friend of mine died, i've been pretty upset about that and distant, very distant especially to some ex E-buddies. i've tried getting a hold of one of them just to let them know what was going on, but whatever, i don't really feel like talking to this person anymore. He was a good person, the one who past away, he was actually in the act of saving someone from being pulled in by na undertoe, and it worked, he got them out...but, sadly, the undertoe took him under. it's so fucked up, i remember being a little girl and having the hugest crush on him cause he used to be over all the time since him and my brother were really close friends, and even until now i still have a thing for him, so it's pretty weird/crappy. i don't know
right now my evil sister-in-law is here for a week, it's cool though cause so is my nephew, but it's still crappy that she has to be here, oh well...i'm not being mean to her or anything...oh, and get this, now her and my other sister-in-law are all buddy buddy now. I know how that stuff works though, the whole gossip thing, cause you just know two girls don't just get along without talking shit about others, and it's totally obvious what with all the whispers...i can hear it going on upstairs, i can't make-out what they're saying, but i sure as hell know it's not about how great it is here in this house. My mom got all upset this morning because i woke up late, i mean really late...i really need to find someone to take thomas o'mally...this morning we found he had caught a bird, and my sister-in-law keeps saying "OOOH I feel so bad for him, he's too skinny, i wanna take him home with me and give him a good home" it's not like we're fucking mistreating this cat, yeah, it's small cause it's not all that old and we can't just bring him in because he needs his shots and stuff, and right now we just can't afford that, we still have to get our other cats shots. I mentioned this to ray and he got all offended, he was like "i thought things were going okay over there" i was like "they are" and he said "are you sure you guys aren't fighting?" and i said "yeah...i'm sure, why?" and he said "well, why did you just call me to bring that up?" okay, i called to fucking talk to him, i'm so sorry i brought up the cat, i just wanted to make sure he knew we weren't like mistreating him or anything. i seriously need a break from these people, all these people, and today i would have, my friend was gonna come over today, and he called me up but i didn't have my phone at the time, and he got all pissed and left a message saying he's just not even gonna come over today, and....well, i think that's about it, man, i'm having a pretty rough time right there's my new journal entry, Anonymous, i hope you enjoyed :)
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