storms are coming to my house & i look beside its just sho snoring.

Oct 13, 2009 15:39

Well , just now at school did not get to talk to her. But managed to say slightly "happy birthday" less than a minute.

// Been browsing for a picture of me and her but epic fail.
So run into shinkansen photos, so search for Japan pictures. Very stress free!!

- Today I had three papers!
Starting by : Combined Humanities ; Geography , Listening Comprehension [ hate it very much ] , lastly Physics.

First paper , I did not answer 1 question because I think I did not study that part , LC - who does not hate it but worth the marks.
Physics : something happened. one of my classmates suddenly vomited , well she always get sick and unwell. & I am convenient with , people get sick because they getting older.

Now I am falling asleep because of the lacking of sleep yesterday , if i am not wrong , was listening to onee san talking about her life then had trouble sleeping. 5 minutes later I was off to dreamland.
Sigh , super sleepy and worse I have to study dumb chemistry.

The acid , alkali , bonding chemical and ........
Now its difficult to me ,if its coming to O's and N's how am I going to handle this!! Seriously! Help me!
& sis iffah say that she relieve stress by reading books , but maybe after my exams , hahahs I cant read when there's exam's the next day!
Hai! do desuka? hmmm... that 's all. Ja ne!!! [ bye!!! ]

random talks

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