(no subject)

Sep 19, 2009 03:35

I have no time to study!
Serious! I cant work my brain in the afternoon , so basically I will spend my night and early morning on it.
So how to study, I cannot study with a hungry stomach which growls every second!

Today first thing in the morning received my examination time table, I don't think I can rest these days. Even for Raya, I will be busy studying & studying never ending! First paper would be English and last paper is Home Econ.
I am done with some of the part in coursework. Only left decision making , planning and bibliography.

I really need to buck up on MATHS , which is important to me. My Humanities especially Geo.
Basically all I must learn , study and remember inside my brain before 1st October. Less than a week.
& I am here typing away.
Sigh.. Relieve stress!!!

Saturday and Monday must study. & I am so going to relieve my stress going jogging,running and playing on Monday morning at 7am with Iqah? Maybe....

Are they making group study? Hmmm... I hope so, I need to study. MR CHENG COME BACK~!!!

Maths lesson , super tired talking to the teacher. Already good that I give that teacher the answer and he still wants to slowly calculate. Are you a noob? or stupid or dumb?
People give answers so that you dont waste time to calculate in your calculator. DO 1 question requires 1 hour!

Erghhh!! Then also wasted our time on the other more important question. As a result my fucking maths drop from distinction to a big 5!!
big gap! Thank god not U!
Curse the teacher ah!

Going to get a maths teacher for my tuition for next year.

Bye bye , someone spoil my mood while halfway writing dumb livejournal!
my temper is getting worse!

random talks

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