Just send your stupid text message, Barry.

Aug 22, 2008 23:09

I finally got around to watching the olympics. Just finished the men's gymnastics team finals. The US has ~*melting pot power*~, except, um, the one chinese dude on the team lost the silver for the US. Conspiracy!

Stay tuned for more week-old olympics coverage.

In other "Sally tries to play a fake futures market with fake money" news, I spent all of today trying to dump my short on VP Biden. How did this happen? Two days ago, people though it was him for no reason other than Georgia happened and Biden is a foreign policy expert, which, like, means absolutely nothing realistically. Then, when he began to rise, I shorted more at the higher price when a) he said it wasn't him, and b) I found out he originally voted for the Iraq War. And now that I've dumped everything and taken the loss, I'll feel really stupid if he ended up not being the running mate after all. :( Oh Barry, why couldn't you be a real politician and pick a boring southern and/or swing state governor?

sports, politics, olympics

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