A monkey evolutioned gay marriage.

Dec 06, 2007 19:13

The last two weeks of classes have been utter, utter hell. (I'm still not completely done, but I'm at a point where I can relax a little bit.) To be honest, it's ~*partially*~ my fault because I procrastinated and/or never went to class so I didn't find out about a project until two days before the due date during an already superbusy week filled with tests and other projects and dance rehearsals yay! Doom, I pretty much crashed and burned on every single one of my final projects (final lab refuses to work, misread engr eco data and did a wrong analysis, etc). *sadface* I'm ready for this semester to be over now.

P.S. Boys are yucky. Have you all licked a 9V battery before?

classes, monkeys, school

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