Maybe I should just torrent like everyone else.

Oct 20, 2007 23:49, which I use for my British TV fix, got shut down. (And its webmaster got arrested. O.O But but but...that site doesn't even host content. It just provides links to youtube/Google video/Veoh/etc.) Anyway, ABC/NBC/CW video players as well as all the Gawker sites mysteriously stopped working for me a couple of weeks ago. I've been too lazy/busy to look into it, especially since has all the American shows too. Now that it's gone, and because I'm procrastinating, I attempted to try to find/fix the problem. So, I spent the last 3 and a half hours doing fun things like:
- giving my Google skillz a workout
- re-installing my flash player
- trying to figure out which programs are running my ad blockers (Me: But but but...I don't have the Adblock extension. Yet I can't see ads. I'm confuuuuused.)
- playing with javascript and ad block configurations
- trolling through firewall logs to figure out what/why stuff is being blocked (Doom, Symantec does some powerful stuff.)
Yay I feel nerdy and proud of myself. I got Gawker sites and the ABC/CW players working again. NBC is the only holdout. It tells me I don't have Adobe Flash 9 when I totally do. Geez, NBC, I'm trying to do things legally here. Stop obstructing me. :(

tv, computers

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