Cause there's gonna be a test later.

Jun 26, 2007 01:03

From the title and lede, this seemed like another one of those "Amerikenz R Dumb" articles that allow you to laugh at the stupidity of other people and feel smart. Turns out it's not. For me, at least, it turned out to be a "Oh shit, I'm just as dumb as them" article. Are yoouuuu smarter than a fifth grader culturally and politically aware?

P.S. I fail at business news and science. I own geography and global affairs. Except for that Muslim/Indonesia thing; I'd have said India.

P.P.S. Seriously, childbirth fatality rates? Wtf? No one knows that. I'm surprised that even 15% got it right. Ditto for the global warming question.

news links, politics, stupid people

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