A horse is a sphere if it makes the numbers easier.

May 04, 2007 00:30

Friday Night Lights: When I started watching, I was expecting it to be all Football + Small Texas Town = Mucho Yuckiness. I was so very, very wrong, and this show is so very, very good. And hey, I even managed to stop getting indignant about the gross overemphasis this society places on football and the huge imbalance between support for athletics and academics and Mack freakin' Brown getting paid 2.5 million freakin' dollars when the freakin' dean of the university gets paid one-fifth that amount (am guesstimating; I have no idea how much the dean gets paid). In other news, imdb says they film at Westlake High School.

Studio 60: I think the best course of action here is to pack up the entire cast, airdrop them into the pilot episode, start all over, and pretend this show never degenerated into the clusterf*ck it is now (or it was before it went on permanent hiatus). It was actually okay/salvageable at Christmas, but then it decided to turn into a "romantic" "comedy", and pretty much became an amalgam of all the bad parts of Grey's Anatomy and none of the good parts. It's like Sorkin gave up and made a consciously decision to make his show into the mass entertainment variety of TV he rails against. Naturally, he failed miserably as the show became neither entertaining nor attractive to the masses. In other news, I'm amused that there are still people insisting that it's the "smartest show on television."

Gilmore Girls: I stopped watching way back in the fall, and there endeth my last relationship with the WB/CW. Is this because A)the WB/CW has gotten much suckier, or B)I'm not twelve anymore? Methinks A, because I'm totally still twelve years old.

Grey's Anatomy: I'm about two episodes behind. 1) The crushed!face!girl storyline is boring. 2) I love Meredith's new mom. 3) Mark (who is not steamy) needs to go back to being a manwhore. Sensitive doesn't work for him. 4) Need more Bailey. 5) Addison/Chief was surprisingly cute. I would not be against this. 6) I can't look at Burke anymore without feeling awkward, partially because his character was kind of arrogant/non-emotive to begin with.

Heroes: Also about two episodes behind. 1) Christopher Eccleston needs to come back. Right now. 2) I am probably the only person who didn't like Hiro to begin with. Insisting that you are destined to be the greatest savior ever is not endearing (even if it's true), regardless of how cute/squeaky of a voice you use to do the insisting. 3) Eden was so much more interesting that the current shapeshifter thing. I'm still sad about her being killed.

Brothers & Sisters: I think this is my new favorite show? It's like Everwood + various awesome people from various other awesome shows congregated in one spot, but in a good way (as opposed to Studio 60). I highly, highly recommend this (as long as you don't mind the old!people!sex :P ). And hey, advantage of having brothers and sisters as the main characters = they can't randomly jump into bed with each other for May sweeps a la every other show with a large ensemble cast. Well, they can, but I don't think the show wants to go down that path. In other news, this show teaches us that we need more hot people under 50 running for president.

Lost: I've pretty much stopped watching except for episodes that feature Sayid and/or Benry Gale. However, what's this new thingymajig about everyone being dead? So the island is limbo? Or a parallel universe? Or something? Also, I don't understand any of the Seer!Desmond + Dead!Charlie plot.

brothers & sisters, grey's anatomy, heroes, studio 60, lost, tv, football, gilmore girls, friday night lights

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