Quotes and stuff

Jan 06, 2005 21:10

Yay for 2 off blocks this semester! And no more TOK and Schaack! Although I do have Speech, which is almost as bad as TOK, but not quite. Heh I haven't shared a class with stupid people for a long time, and seeing some of the people in my speech class was ... enlightening. On the first day, we had this "get to know each other" activity where we find a partner and ask each other questions set by the teacher, and then present their responses. One of the questions was "What is a social or political issue that you feel strongly about?" At least 7 or 8 people said that they didn't understand what the question was asking so they just answered "Republican" or "Pro-Bush." I really don't want to bash Republicans but that's what actually happened. Ugh. When I go to Speech from Math HL (how ironic), I can feel my IQ dropping about 20 points. On the bright side, our teacher is cool. He's a really young black guy who seems nice and fun and easy-going. He also coaches football (think Blaine except black and younger). The only thing is that even though he's supposed to be a Speech teacher, he himself cannot speak. He has such a soft voice that it sounds like he mumbles everything, and you really have to strain to hear what he's saying.

Quotes from my new hero the MIT physics professor, though my old hero the UT Social-Darwinist professor is still cooler.
~"In this course, I WILL make you see that physics. IS. Beautiful." Awwwwwww.
~"Electricity is everywhere. [snip] Your heart cannot BEAT without electricity. You cannot THINK without electricity, though some of you fails in that aspect even WITH electricity." Yay. Just say no to stupidity.
~"I'm going to beat you with cat fur." Uh no comments necessary.
~"You are going to become negatively charged, and I'll become positively charged. And we'll need to convince the class that we are oppositely charged in a way that is ...convincing." He said this in such an innuendo-y and slashy tone that I really thought he was going to prove it by somehow "becoming attracted" to the other guy.
~"Turn off the lights and make the room completely dark. Then stand in front of a mirror and take off your shirt. I would demonstrate right now but I'm wearing cotton. [snip] Try it sometimes. Do it with a friend. Then it's even more fun." I'll have to remember to always wear cotton shirts to collge physics class in order to a)avoid having to take my shirt off, and b)avoid getting beaten by cat fur.
~There is no way that I am repeating the "touch it" part.

Oh and I love this quote from The Fire and the Rose (the first novel-length fic I've read in months.)
~"perhaps if you were a little less of a perfectionist, you might find life rather less traumatic." So. Very. Very. True.

classes, amusing, stupid people, fanfiction

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