Everyone hates Facebook News Feed, but...

Sep 07, 2006 15:42

... why does Facebook News Feed hate me??? It's been like that for the last 3 days, and some of you have definitely done stalk-worthy things during that time.

ETA: Amnesty International is advertising around the dorms with flyers that say, in huge letters and taking up half of the page, "SEX". Lol, I know sex is a human right, but still.

ETA2: Reason #29575 why Livejournal is better than Facebook:

Basically we're giving you the ability to set up notifications for all types of things on LJ. Track new posts, new comments, new friends, userpics, etc..

But carefully designed to be non-stalkery. :-)


Doesn't this let people stalk me?
It would've been really easy for us to build a system to enable stalking but we took a lot of effort to remove all potentially creepy features out of it:

You can't track things you can't see, of course. (private, friends-only, etc)
Even though it's public, you can't track "all comments anywhere by user bob". Because that's a little weird. Maybe bob wants that, but for now we're focusing on things you can already add to your friends page, get RSS for, etc..


More trackable things, where creepiness doesn't apply.
Optionally allow your friends or anybody to track more stuff about you, that otherwise might feel creepy. (like any comment or any post you make anywhere)

Lol way to go out of your way to emphasize that your system is not creepy and is "non-stalkery".

facebook, lj

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