You should find a job that you're passionate about...

Jul 17, 2006 20:20

...because "passion also ensures that you will work long hours for little reward, while the CEO takes home all the company profits." That's right!

Secret microphone picks up Bush and Blair's private conversation at G8.

After the Reuters wire report, most news agencies picked up the part with Bush saying "...get Syria to get Hizbollah to stop doing this shit..." and ran headlines with "Bush uses expletive" or "Bush curses Hizbollah" or whatever. Silly mainstream media! The point of interest is obviously this part:

"Thanks for the sweater, it was awfully thoughtful of you. I know you picked it out yourself," Bush said.

"Oh, absolutely," said Blair."

Hee that sounds like a bad Remus/Sirius fic. It doeeesss! Anyway, congratulations to Bush for not embarrassing himself too much. IMO it could have been a lot worse, like "chicken of the sea" worse. ETA: I just saw the video. Okay, so the chewing, the not looking at Blair when speaking to him, and the overall nonchalant demeanor/tone were pretty bad. Still though, he was on topic and he was making sense. It could have been much worse.

(So sometimes? I channel surf to C-SPAN, and they show this British parliament proceeding thingie where Tony Blair answers the representatives' questions or responds to their compliments/criticisms/whatever. Anyway, it's so freakin' cute with lots of snark and banter and all-around jolliness and it's just so cute. Our congress is boring. :( [/dorkiness])

In related news, Bush is cheating on Blair oh noes!

"It's a 'Godfather' kiss - one of those kisses that says, 'I own you,'" [...] Asked if there had been any subsequent kisses with the president, he [Joe Lieberman] said, "None that I’m prepared to talk about," and chuckled.

While you're pondering on that, here's your Moment of Zen:

This is really old, but still great.

news links, politics, fun links, slash, moment of zen

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