Today in the news.

Jun 15, 2006 19:28

(I refuse to let myself go on LJ during work; so, in anticipation of doing this entry when I got home, I emailed myself the links. *is pathetic*)

1. Awww, this person is hating on LJ. But but but...Xanga and Facebook and MySpace are so much worse. *huggles LJ*

2. Most misleading headline ever. Or maybe it's just me. :p Still, I doubt that this got into Yahoo's most viewed stories because people correctly understood the headline. There aren't that many monkeys in the world.

3. Lol, wtf? Nice try, Amazon, but Google's the one that's going to take over the world and own our lives.

P.S. The much hyped George Carlin-Ann Coulter smackdown was disappointing.

facebook, work, lj, slash, madlinkingz

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