Doom, literally.

Jan 18, 2006 11:11

Apparently? I got stuck with a hoard of crappy teachers this semester. Methinks? Lecturers for intro classes actually teach while tenured professors just don't even try anymore. Ugh.

~Programming-We have co-teachers. One is this guest lecturer senior manager from Dell who reminds me of Blaine minus all of Blaine's interesting-ness and fun-ness and good-teaching-skill-ness. The other, our regular scheduled prof, is...very meh. Everyone fights to get into her class so they can avoid the other EE312 teacher, who has a huge reputation as Snape personified minus the shmexiness. So after all that hype, she's rather disappointing and well, boring. At least Snape would have been entertaining even if he does make people cry and fails everyone. :p

~Accounting-He's Teeeed. He's an accountant, like Ted. He harrasses people with little remarks and jokes that are not funny, like Ted's social ineptitude. He's trying to lead a crusade against Blackboard, like Ted's crusade against...something or other. He was sort of fun at first, but it got really annoying, really fast. Annoying accountants are not shmexy. Unless they have hotgaysex.

~DiffEq-He seems like someone who's uncomfortable with public speaking. He's meek and soft-spoken to begin with, and when he talks continuously for more than 1 or 2 minutes, his voice starts to taper off and he starts mumbling. He also tries to make these little jokes, but is so self-conscious that he pretty much says them under his breath. (I know because I do that too. :( ) So basically? No one can hear him, so instead of listening to him, we're feverishly copying down his notes that makes no sense without an accompanying lecture because, come on, it's math. His only redeeming quality is that he seems like a nice person. :/ Aw I want Goddard from last semester back. He rocked.

~EE316-This has nothing to do with the the prof since he didn't even show up today. (Someone else guested.) What's doom is that I'm the only girl in a class of 20~25-ish. WHAT THE MONKEYS? Also, the syllabus makes no sense. Class attendance is optional, but we can't miss more than 5 classes? Then it's not really optional, is it?

One more class left. Wish me luck.


classes, qaf, profs

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