Integration by parts and separation of variables must DIE!

May 04, 2005 16:28

Yay, finished my first IB test today. Math Paper 2 was SOOOO much fun, almost as much fun as the BC Calculus free response section last year. XP It was beautiful how for the entire year, Mobley has been telling us "they don't clear calculators before the test NUDGENUDGEWINKWINK." So naturally, they decided to start checking and clearing calculators this year. I didn't care because I didn't save anything on my calculator because 1)I don't know how, and 2)it wouldn't help that much because everything we need is on the formula packet, and stuff not on there is either so simple that we all know it anyway, or so complex that we wouldn't need it for the test. Thus, the marginal cost of taking the trouble to figure out how to save stuff is greater than the marginal benefit the calculator cheat notes will provide (Read: I'm a lazy bum). See, I'm studying for eco. 8-) But anyway, it was hilarious to see the half of the HL class who did cram their calculators with every single unnecessary thing (and Rosa, who famously overloaded her calculator and made it crash) silently freak out, really over nothing. It was even more hilarious on the second day when they thought they were safe and re-crammed their calculators, only to have them cleared again.

Oh, and you know what else was hilariously ironic about the Math HL test? That's right.
15 minutes before test...
Me, Nelly, and Robbie: Oh crap, we need to learn how to do fixed point iterations.
Me, Nelly, and Robbie: *attempt to do fixed point iterations* *fail miserably*
Robbie: It doesn't matter. Since it was on last year's test, it probably won't be on this year's.
Me and Nelly: Yup yup. Good point.
During the reading period for the test...
Me: *sees that fixed point iteration is not only on the test, it's on two sections*
Me: *fights hard to not burst out laughing*

Don't you love how these things work out?

In other news, I think I should just make a conscious decision to fail Speech this six weeks. I'll still pass the semester, maybe even with an A, and UT won't do anything to me because only semester grades show up on final transcripts. Grrr we have a stupid video project right in the middle of AP/IBs, and this project actually requires lots of time and effort, which I don't have and am not willing to give. I can't even leech of my group because they're ... people in my speech class. Enough said. And the one other capable person in my group is off taking AP tests all day. Go figure.

In more other news, I got sucked into a whole other level of fandom squick. Not squick like bondage and sex kinks, but squick like ... Blaine/Mickel, aka real people shipping. More specifically, American Idol shipping. More specifically, American Idol slash. More specifically, Clyan. Two years after the fact. *headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*

ib, classes, fandom, skits, american idol, slash

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