Laughter at my expense...

Feb 10, 2004 02:25

so i finished watching empire records (one of my favorite movies). I took a muscle relaxer before that so I would fall asleep in bed while watching said movie. The mere fact that I am typing this should give you an indication of how well that worked.

Why is it that when you do something stupid, you have this desire to share it? Or maybe thats just me.... So here's my story:
Late Saturday night I was on the phone and pacing around my apt. While pacing, I heard a *pop*. Couldn't figure out what it was, so I dismissed it for a few minutes, then realized I was near the fuse box when it happened. I looked in the fuse box and everything looked ok to me. I shut it and went to sleep. I woke up at about 6am and got up to turn on the air conditioner, and it wouldn't come on... figuring it was just me being half asleep, I went back to bed. When I woke up at 7.30am for work, I tried once again to turn on the air, and it still didnt come on. I told hubby that it wasnt working and we figured we had to wait until monday morning to call maintinence (it wasn't too hot out). So Sunday evening, I was annoyed about this whole air thing and the fact that I had to clean my apt for the guys to come fix it. A lightbulb went off over my head and I remembered the "pop" from the night before. As I scampered to the fuse box and peered inside, I was hit with the realization that I wouldn't know what was wrong if I saw it. So I stared for a couple of minutes. There was one switch that was not in line with the rest, so I tried to push it to the right with the rest. It wouldn't stay. I kept trying, and it never stayed. Finally I gave up, believing that it was in the spot it was supposed to be in. Resigned to spending my day off (monday) waiting for the air to be fixed, I cleaned......

Hubby got home from work late Sunday and we discussed the air issue. I proceeded to tell him the whole story of the *pop* and all. He walked over to the panel, put his hand on the exact switch (which I learned is called a breaker), moved it to the left until it clicked and then to the right until it clicked, and it stayed for him!! I told him how I had tryed and it wouldn't stay for me. Through his laughter, he explained that it had to be turned off, then on.... How was I supposed to know that???

Now, I am not an idiot, nor am I a girlie girl afraid to get dirty.... I was just not ever taught about breakers. And so, laugh away, because I know that if he hadn't have figured it out the maintinence guys would have. And then I would have felt more stupid! But hey, at least the air works.....
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