nothing like a good survey to kill some time.

May 25, 2005 18:25

lTime started survey: 626 pm

1.Kissed your cousin: Yes, in a totally innocent family sort of way.
2.Ran away: no
3.Broken someone's heart: Not that I know of.
4.Cried when someone died: yes
5.Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: I don't think so.
6.Broken a bone: Technically, I didn't break it, Andy Clark did.
7.Drank alcohol: no
8.Done drugs: no
9.Cried in school: no

10.COKE or PEPSI: Are you kidding me?  Definitely Coke.
11. SPRITE or 7UP: I don't really drink either, if I had to pick, 7up.
12.GIRLS or GUYS: That depends.
15.QUIET or LOUD: That also depends.
17.BITCHY or SLUTTY: Neither.
18.TALL or SHORT: tall
19.PANTS or SHORTS: capris!!!!

20.What do you notice first?: hygiene.
21.Last person you slow-danced with: I can't remember the last time I slow danced.
22.Worst question to ask: "What are your bowel movements like?" -something I have to ask every week during clinical.

23.Showered: About an hour ago.
24.Had sex: never.
25.Had a great time with the opposite sex:

26.Your good luck charm:
27.Person you hate most: I don't hate anyone.
28.The best thing that has happened to you today: My health assessment lab instructor told us we didn't have to turn in any lab papers this week.

29.Color: red.
30.Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird.
31.Book: Same as above.  It was my favorite book first.
32.Subject in school: Right now, it's nutrition, only because it involves the least amount of work.
33.Juice: cranberry.
34.Cars: Volkswagen Cabrio.
35.Cream: favorite cream?  what kind of question is this?
36.Holiday: Christmas.
38.Breakfast food: hash browns.
37.Season: summer
39.Place to go with your honey: anywhere.

40.Makes you laugh the most?:
41.Makes you smile?: Pete.
42.Gives you a good funny feeling when you see them?: Pete.
43.Has a crush on you?: Pete, I hope.
44.Who do you have a crush on?: Pete.
45.Makes you feel better no matter what?: Pete.  Man, this section would suck for me if I didn't have a boyfriend.
47.Sits by the phone, waiting for the phone to ring all night?: some freak insomniac.

48.Save AOL conversations?: nope.
49.Save e-mails?: sometimes.
50.Wish you were someone else?: no way.
51.Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: definitely not.
52.Cry because of someone's mean words?: not a chance.


55.Fallen for your best friend (opposite sex)?: no
56.Been rejected?: yes.
57.Been in lust?: yes.
58.Used someone?: no way.
59.Been used?: no.
60.Cheated on someone?: no.
61.Been cheated on?: I certainly hope not.
63.Done something you regret?: of course.

64.You touched?: my mother.
65.You talked to?: my mother.
66.You hugged?: Nick.
67.You instant messaged? Amanda.
68.You had sex with?: no one.
69.You yelled at?: my mom because she lies about putting icing on cinnamon rolls.
70.You laughed with?: my mother.
71.Who broke your heart?: no one.

72.Color your hair?: yes.
73.Have tattoos?: no.
74.Have piercings?: twice in each ear.
75.Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: I do.
76.Own a webcam?: no.
77.Ever get off the damn computer?: not really.
78.Sprechen sie deutsche?:
79.Hablas espanol?:

81.Stolen anything?: no.
82.Smoke?: I second hand smoke.
83.Schizophrenic?: no.
84.Obsessive?: sometimes.
85.Compulsive?: occasionally.
86.Obsessive compulsive?: definitely not.
87.Panic?: no.
88.Anxiety?: sometimes.
89.Depressed?: never.
90.Suicidal?: no.
91.Obsessed with hate?: no.
92.Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?: sometimes, but I don't like it.
93.Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?: no.
94.If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: at a Reds game, in the diamond seats.
95.Can you do anything freakish with your body?: i can bend my thumb back to my wrist.
96.What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: clean shaven.
97.Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: sure.
98.Would you marry for money?: no.
99.Have you had braces?: no, but i used to really want to when i was little.
100.You pluck your eyebrows?: sometimes I'll have Stephanie do them for me.
101.Do you like hairy backs?: no.  not even a little.
102.When was the last time you had a hickey?: i don't know, i don't really keep dates on those sort of things.
103.Could you live without a computer?: probably.
104.Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list, etc...?: AIM
105.If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 38.
107.Do you wear white socks?: yes.
108.Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: both.
109.What is your favorite fruit?: bananas.
110.Do you eat wheat bread or white?: white.
111.What is your favorite place to visit?: can I say my bed?
112.What is the last movie you saw?: i watched the exorcist last night.
113.Are you photogenic?: not especially.
114.Do you dream in color or black and white?: color.
115.Are you wearing fingernail polish?: no.
116.Is it chipped or fresh?: it's neither.
117.Do you have any dimples?: one, on my right cheek.
118.Do you remember being born?: no.
119.Why do you take surveys?: because I haven't updated my journal in a long time, and this is easier than thinking of something to write about.
120.Do you drink alcohol?: nope.
121.Did you like or do you dislike high school?: I liked it pretty well.
122.Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunrises.
123.Do you want to live to be 100?: maybe.
125.Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: no.
126.Are you loyal?: yes.
127.Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: sometimes.
128.When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: no preference.
129.Do you like your nose?: i guess it's okay.
136.Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: side.
144.Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: piano.
153.Are you basically a happy person?: i'm definitely a happy person.
154.Are you tired?: chronically.
157.How many phones do you have in your house?: 3.
158.How long is your hair?: about halfway down my back.
159.Do you get along with your parents?: very much so.
160.What color of eyes do you prefer?: hazel.
181.Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: gee, i hope not.
183.Do looks matter?: to some extent, yes.
188.How do you release anger?: i usually don't have any anger.  i'd probably whine about it to someone if i did.
189.Where is your second home?: 103 procter.
190.Do you trust others easily?: probably.
192.What class in school do you think is totally useless?: nursing ethics and law and introduction to professional nursing- both from last quarter.
193.Do you like sappy love songs?: sometimes.
194.Have you ever been on radio or television?: yes, i was on the "best of the class" commercials on channel 9 for about a month after i graduated.
195.Do you have a journal?: isn't that what this is?
196.Do you use sarcasm a lot?: no, never.
197.Have you ever been in another country?: no.
199.What are your nicknames?: Sal.
200.Would you bungee jump?: probably not.
201.Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: i have this thing where I hate having shoes that tie, so none of my shoes tie, so this question doesn't really relate to me much.  probably i wouldn't untie them though.
202.What are you worried about right now?: making it through the last week of classes without losing my mind.
203.Do you ever wear overalls?: gross, no.
204.Do you think you are strong?: definitely not.
205.What's your mom's job?: stay at home and be an awesome mom.
206.What's your dad's job?: i'm not totally sure.  he's a maintenance supervisor at a factory that packages frozen food or something like that.
207.What's your least favorite thing in the world?: nursing process sheets and case studies.
208.How many wisdom teeth do you have?: none.  i never had any either.

Time finished survey!!! 700pm
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