Jun 22, 2007 19:31
Why hello.
Something new about me - I LOVE Arizona Green tea with Ginseng and honey. 100% all natural . . . no preservatives.
This morning was one of the worst mornings I have ever had.
I woke up to my phone ringing, and it was my mother telling me that my grandmother had had a stroke over night, and that she was being taken to the hospital by my grandfather. My mom, grandfather, and I sat in the hospital from one thirty until three thirty waiting for her test results to come back. Luckily, nothing was found by the time I had to go to work - which sucked too. I had to unpack beds and a bunch of hard labor that comes with the job, but the worst part of knowing I left my grandma at the hospital. They think she is fine now, but they are doing brain tests next week.
She had a simialr episode when her father died. She would walk up to random people and ask "Where's my daddy?" She's not crazy, and has never been, though she seems like she was then.
It was really hard to see her today, because she couldn't remember what year it was, or the name of her dog. she couldn't remember what she did last night, or an hour ago. She would ask me a question, I would answer, then she would ask the same question 30 seconds later.
Another hard thing was seeing how worries my grandfather was. I will never forget the face he had. Hospitals are good things . . . but it's hard to see someone you love with needles in their arms and hundreds of tubes going every which way.