I couldn't find a horse :(

Mar 13, 2006 10:23

This meme made no sense to me but made me chuckle anywho :D

Yes I will more than likely be back for more later :p


BTW, please steal it so I can fill it out about you. Yes I'm that bored.
For Your FriendsWho are you and what is our relationship?: What are 3 good qualities that i have?: What reminds you of me?: If you could say anything to me, what would it be?: Do i make you happy?: If you could give me only ONE thing, what would it be?: What song reminds you of me?: How long do you think we'll be friends?: Do you miss me right now?: Do you wish that I was with you right now?: Do you think that i am a good person?: Are you glad that you met me?: What is one thing about our relationship that you regret?: What do you think of me as a friend?: Would you change anything about our relationship?: Take this survey | Find more surveys
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