So, I found out about Copper's cancellation three days ago:[Spoiler (click to open)]I watched Sunday's ep with hope for a few things to be set right but I strongly believe they planned on filming a third series considering how horribly S2 ended. Like there's so many cliffhangers I don't even know where to start >.< I mean, does Eva lives? What happens to the baby? How about the Freemans? How about Elizabeth?
It's so annoying >.<
Downton Abbey [Spoiler (click to open)]was surprisingly touching: Mary's grief was portrayed amazingly by Michelle.. it gave me chills. I've read it had great ratings as well so I guess it's safe to say it might have good chances of being renewed and I'm sort of glad about it now. Tonight I have to catch up on the second ep of Sleepy Hollow which as I've said in the previous entry is quite entertaining.
On a last note: I've been running a tumblr sideblog about my favorite Arthur/Merlin fanfictions for a couple of months now. Call it a rec blog even if I past nothing but links and summaries (I'm not good with words you see!). There's 5/6 categories and I'm posting both old and new fics just to shake it up a bit. If you're interested feel free to follow :D Or just stick to fymerlinxarthur, the recs over there suit all the fans needs!