1. First you acknowledge said fangirl about Bradley finally coming back to UK (ABOUT TIME!) and tweeting after 3 months about 'Shakespeare's day' (*cough* on the same night Colin begins his Shakespeare play *cough*); then find some incredible fangirl to snap a couple of pictures of him near the Thames just to give you a taste of these feels
2. Then you upload 5 lovely photos from yesterday's performance of Colin as Ariel in The Tempest
x. As if you weren't already drooling about the 900px bts pics of the day before.
3. Lastly, publish a preview from Katie's new summer projoect 'Dates' where she plays an incredibly sexy lesbian named Kate with the most gorgeous face and stunning hairstyle to go with
That's it, you're done.
Unless the day it's not over yet and some other positive surprises may come along....