Icon Meme

Oct 17, 2022 18:55

... an old one borrowed from
tinny, who brought it back here :)

The basic coding to this meme is on her post - I changed quite a few of the headings as I because for me things like 'fave ship' don't work, and also I deleted 'fave' anyway and just gave one of the ones I really love because I could change my mind about the most cute/funny/happy/whatever five times before Thursday and I did it separately for LJ and DW because I do use a lot of different ones (I really do have too many icons... no I don't :)
default oldest newest

sad happy angry

cute sexy funniest

geekiest best art best animation

newest fandom oldest fandom fandom of one

quote textless stolen idea

bright dark stylish

use the most 1 use the most 2 use the most 3

Number of icons: Umm.... 358. Yes, that's a lot.

Number of slots: 450. Yes, that's a lot too... Hey, I have a permanent account, and got the bonuses when they were being given, and what can I say, I like icons :)

Would you buy more: No, I think that would be too many even for me, let me fill those slots up first. Maybe. Eventually.

Do your icons make a statement? A few may make a very frivolous one... not really.

Most common fandoms): Blakes7, Magnificent 7, The Sentinel, the two Stargates, and The Untamed is closing in.

Are your icons mostly made by other people? No, except for a couple that were gifts ♥ they're all my own humble work.

Do you make icons? Yes

Are they any good? That's really for other people to say...

Animated icons are: Harder to get right, but a good way to fit more words in when I want to use a quote or joke.

about icons, memes, fun stuff

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