i stole this from Peter Joseph H.
name- Michelle
age- 15
sex- ima girl.
height- shut up.
sexuality- im straight on the weekends.
kissed your best friend- not my "best friend" becuase i havent kissed Monica... but trust me i have tried. hahaha. but i kiss friends. hahah. sometimes it creates trouble but everythign ends up coooooL.
kissed a member of the opposite sex- hahah oh yes.
kissed a member of the same sex- HAHAH yeah.
worn handcuffs- you know how i do. lol. jk. but im sure i've wornthe play plastic ones.
been in trouble with the police- nope. well one tiem i called them on my sister (not kristie) and i woudltn talk to them and they got mad cuase i woudlnt talk.
been in love- yeah im leaning towards the negitive. oh wait, monica.
ditched class- one time i skipped A CLASS. for a month i though i was going to hell.
cheated on a test- yeah. and i got caught once. but she just said outloud. "someone is cheating and then need to stop." everyone looked at me. french is a department in which i am good at.
been divorced- oh yeah, like five times.
been married- no but ive been divorced five times.
made love to someone of the opposite sex- no but one time someone called me a big V... as in virgin. has someone ever called YOU that.
made love to someone of the same sex- naw
been bi-curious- one time there was this week at school, im sure you gusy remember it, but like every girl kissed every girl. haha. itw as quite a weird week.
done drugs- no
drank- Yeah.
took aspirin- i dotn take asprin, just ib profin. i always haver it in my pockets.
hugged someone-holly... right beore i left her house.
had suicidal thoughts- i dont kill. and i dont think about killing. sometimes ill joke and be like "im goign to kill them" but i dotn kill.
ate something- cereal. liuke an hour ago.
drank a soda- today.
played with a knife- iat the homeless shelter.
kissed someone- hahahaha.look at my picture... :) yesterday. teddddddy.
listened to a song starting with 'G'- wow. this is a thinker.
talked on the phone- um, oh yeha, Rosalinda called me a while ago. we talked.
IMed someone- monica. but seh wasnt interested.
hugged you last-well me and holly was a mutual thing, so pry ted. haah.
IMed you last- Kenny to tell me he got off to go to sleep but them got back on back he rememberd it was late start
called you last- rosalinda
you called last- Ted yesterday after church.
talked to you- my dad told me we needed to talk becuae he saw my picture.
was your first kiss- some kid anmed zac.
made you smile- holly.
made you frown- holly.
made you laugh- hollly.
saved your life- um... idk.
would die for you- idk
would you die for- anybody.
kicked your ass- pry my brother.
ass did you kick- im white.
insulted you- idk?
complimented you-ted.
made you cry- holly.
wrote you a note- holly.
told you 'i love you'- nate. online. hahaha. we sit there and are mean and awt not and instantly "i love you" "i love you too" and then we go andf say some more mean stuff.
you wrote a note- holly
told them 'i love you'- nate.
want kids- idk.
want marriage- yeah
want sex- ah, yeah. nto too far in teh future either might i add.
want a job- i do but only for a littel while. haha.
want diamonds- yeah, i really coudl care less.
i want to be...- happy, in love, and doing somethign i want to be doing.)
want love- oh yes,.
want a house- yeah. im thinking it'll be nice.
band- atreyu
food- panda. or seafood.
drink- well pj said bacardi, and bacadi 03 or seomig antoher wiht 03 on it is freaking good. but im an orange juice/ pepsi tylpe of person
color- red.
texture- idk.
place- france
person- idk.
hobby- soccer.