"Who cares about politics!"

Aug 13, 2005 14:19

What upsets me the most about the ignorance of people is that I KNOW only 1 fucking person will understand what this very short essay is about or trying to prove. The only explanation you need to understand is that it's an essay on Anarchism. People's ignorance is such an embarrassing and infuriating thing

"No, there has never been, and never will be an anarchist revolution. Never in human history has an anarchist platform led people into revolution. In reality, every example the anarchists use is an instance where power fell into their hands, and even the, anarchists have proven incapable of being able to hold on to power.
    Without understanding the dialectical materialist context of state society, one can never seek to abolish the state. To explain, we're going to have to dig very deeply into the origins of the state and fuedal society.
    In the 1700's, there lived a group of Native South Americans known as the Arawak Indians. The Arawak Indians were completely isolated from all other human beings on the coasts of Brazil. Because of their isolation they were able to develop a collective pre-fuedal communist society that was almost exactly like the final goal of a stateless and classless society that we all strive for. However, when the Arawak Indians were discovered by Columbus, they were taken as slaves and mass murdered. Their entire race no longer exists today.
    In reality, all human societies after the neolithic revolution (the development of agriculture) started out this way. However, as the separate human societies continued to develop, the came into contradictions with each other. To compensate, human societies evovled to have a state apparatus. The state apparatus was the direct result of the contradictions between different nations of people. Those human societies which did not develop a state apparatus were all inevitably crushed by the evolutionary superior societies that had developed the state apparatus.
    The Arawak Indians were killed off by Columbus because they did not have the state apparatus. They had no need to develop the state apparatus, because up until that time, they had never come into contradiction with another nation of human beings.
    So now that we understand the origin and the fundamental contradiction in society that gives rise to the state, we must use this to understand how to abolish the state. To abolish the state, human society must be completely unified and have all of its contradictions between nations dissolved by the world socialist revolution. Only when there are no more fundamental contradictions between nation will the state no longer serve any purpose and wither away.
    To try to abolish the state as you anarchists want to do without resolving the contradictions between nations is to commit suicide and open the path to the imperialists and fascists of the world to rise and increase their power onto an even greater level than they already have. Anarchism is a trend trying to take human society to the days before the state arose. It is a primitivistic trend they is both naive and impossible.

Only the international proletarian world revolution can abolish the state!"

Conditioning's simple. and YOU keep it that way.
Just remain passive, it's the safest place to stand. SO GO FUCKING CONSUME.
You all go fucking worry about what you're going to do this weekend, you all fucking worry about if your clothes match or not. GO fucking spend all your money on your hair, and all it's useless products for it. GO be fucking naive, if not - GO fucking be ignorant and give in to drugs. GO fucking snort that white shit into your nostrils and forget about the fact that it was the CIA who provided that fucking drug to you. FUCKING FORGET THE FACT THAT THEY MURDERED FOR IT. Be ignorant - cross that one fucking street. Cross the fucking bridge into that one other country. GO DRINK. GET "CRUNKED". That dirt poor country, it's so sad it's in such a bad state it needs the youths money to keep up from the other country. GO "across", go to that third world-looking country and exploit it. GO drink over there and have you fun.
We got things to keep YOUR mind off of us.
OH, and don't fucking worry about it. We got other ways, we got other ways in keeping your in line and ok. We got jobs. We'll put a Mcdonalds on every single fucking street. That's where you'll work....that's where you'll eat.
Forget about the fact that you as a person are powerful and free.
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