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Sep 28, 2005 15:00

shew, I really need to be doing dishes.. I'm gonna have to go do those as soon as I get done here.. I've been putting them off for way too long.. I feel like there is soooo much stuff I need to do.. and I just don't have the time to do it.. nor do I have the energy!.. I just feel so worn out..

we did have a good weekend though.. Saturday was my last day of work at Holston Valley.. and it actually went very well.. I was on the 6th floor.. and had very good patients.. and overall a pretty easy day.. so that was nice.. I also got to eat lunch with Sara.. we didn't get to work on the same floor.. but at least we got to see each other for a little bit.. so work was good.. I got home about 8:30 and spent some time with Robbie before it was time to send him over to Cookie's.. we figured it would be better to let him stay over there since Chris & I were leaving so early on Sunday.. it just about killed me though.. I hated not being able to at least hear him breathing while I was in bed.. I think I drove Chris crazy talking about how much I missed Robbie! haha..

but, anyways.. we headed to Cincinnati at about 7AM.. stopped in Hazard, KY to eat some breakfast.. and ended up getting to Cincinnati right around 12 by the time we stopped in Florence.. so, we went into downtown and walked through the mall for a little bit.. found Chris a hat for his birthday.. and then we headed on to the ballpark.. we bought the cheapest seats they had.. only $5!.. and there were so few people there.. we got to sit in $30 seats!.. so we thought that was pretty nice.. too bad the game was boring.. just because it was so close to the end of the season.. and the Reds stand no chance of making it to the playoffs.. it just wasn't that fun.. so we ended up leaving after the 6th inning.. it had started to rain anyways.. so we went to the mall in Florence.. and ended up find Chris a jersey for his birthday.. then we rushed home to see our boy!.. we missed Robbie so badly.. so it was nice to get home and see him..

I had clinicals on Monday at Norton Community.. they didn't go too badly.. I actually got to start an IV.. which was exciting cause that was the first time I'd done it.. so that was nice.. everything else was just kind of boring.. so, that was pretty much Monday..

Tuesday was school.. nothing exciting there.. and today I had to go do a teaching project thing for nursing at the primary school.. me & one of the other women from my class went to Cookie's classroom and taught her 1st graders how to wash their hands!.. it actually didn't go too badly.. didn't take all that long.. and I think it went fine.. Robbie & I went to Wal-Mart afterwards.. and then when we got home Robbie took a nap.. he slept for about two hours.. and so I ate lunch and got some of his clothes folded.. I still have some more to take care of.. but I did get some of them taken care of, thank goodness.. however, those stinkin dishes are calling my name.. not to mention that I think Robbie needs to sleep for a little longer!.. he's getting kind of fussy so I better see if he'll go back to sleep for a little bit first..

ok, I think that's a long enough update! I hope y'all's week is going good.. =)
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