Tonight, tonight

Aug 25, 2010 23:28

I was drinking some wine, contemplating going out for a cheeky midweek drink, when I tried on an old vintage dress I bought two years ago. It's a pale pink, strapless dress with full, knee-length skirt, small white poker dots and white buttons all the way down the front. It had been banished to the back of my wardrobe because the boning down the bust was a little big and I never ended up taking it to my tailor. WELL. It fits great now, because I've gained so much winter-weight. It fits to perfectly I just want to wear it everywhere. Oh, life. How do I like them apples?

Also tonight during my drunk, cleaning frenzy ahead of my sister's arrival tomorrow evening, I accidentally threw my groceries in the trash, which was then taken down to the communal green bins out the back of our apartment block by Rolsy. The grocery bag contained:

* 1 x tube of sour cream and onion Pringles
* 1 x Easy Off, Bam! On spesh for $4 at Coles, dudes
* 1 x pair of pink rubber gloves, size small

Pringles? Bin? Mistaken for food scraps and empty bottles? Whaaaa? Needless to say, I was in quite a state upon realising what I had so foolishly done. I immediately hauled ass downstairs to our building's bins in my jim jams and fished it out, aided by a small fluroescent torch light held by my trusty boy Rolsy. Everything was intact, and I will take quite some delight in eating the Pringles, some other time.

For now though, this is Jeni out.
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