Jun 30, 2006 12:59
I'm really upset because the Friday Five has been completely irrelevant to me.
So here's one I missed:
What makes you feel good?
1. What is the one outfit/piece of clothing/accessory you own that makes you feel incredibly good whenever you wear it? Why?
I'm going to have to say it's my pink coat. It makes me feel quite. . .posh. And better than you.
2. What do you do to make yourself feel better when you're in a funk?
I clean. I know this doesn't make sense but I don't mean vacuuming and dusting. I mean pulling out old boxes and THROWING SHIT AWAY!!
3. Has anyone ever surprised you in a way that let you know you were special? How?
Tommy sent me flowers. Just cause he felt like it!
4. When you are having a "good day," how do you spread the happiness to others?
Even if you're a total prick to me at work, I will tell you to have a nice day. If you want to have a shitty day, that's your loss.
5. What is one thing that puts you in a bad mood, no matter how good you were previously feeling?
The news.